Volume 703, Page 401 View pdf image |
401 Received the day and Year within mentioned of the within named Nicholas Maccubbin the within mentioned sum of Two hundred and forty eight Pounds Seventeen shillings and seven Pence Current Money being the Consideration Money within mentioned as Witness my hand Test John Taylor Senior Thomas Taylor Tho.s Harwood On the twelfth day of June 1764 Came the within named John Taylor before us the Subscribers two of his Lordships Justices ^of the Peace^ for Dorchester County and did Acknowledge the within Deed to be his Act and Deed and the Lands and Premisses therein Bargained Sold Aliened enfeoffed and Confirmed to be the Right Title and Estate of the within named Nicholas Maccubbin his Heirs and Assigns forever According to the True intent and Meaning of her said Deed and the Act of Assembly in such Cases made and Provided Robert Hon Recorded the 27.th August 1764 9 sd Jn.o Anderson To all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting Know Ye that I Thomas Bisset of Glenalbort of the Parish of little Dunheld and Shire of Perth in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland Father ^to^ of James Bisset of Baltimore County and Province of Maryland Attorny Deceast and as having Right from him to his late ^Estate^ Real and Personal in the aforesaid collony and in all and every other his Majestys Plantations and Collonys in America confirm to his last Will dated the tenth day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Sixty Years Have Nominated Constituted and Appointed and in my Place and stead put and by these Presents Do Nominate Constitute and Appoint and in my Place and stead put Alexander Stenhouse Surgeon and Appothecary of the Province and County aforesaid and at Present in Scotland to be my true (and) |
Volume 703, Page 401 View pdf image |
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