to preserve the safety morals and health of the community,
to promote sanitation and to protect the lives and property
of citizens; grant licenses for the operating or conducting
of any or all places of public amusement or entertainment,
or for the operating or conducting of any other business or
industry which the State laws may permit, and fix the fees
to be paid on the granting of any such license, and for any
ordinance passed by the Mayor and Common Council, may
provide for its enforcement by a prosecution before any
Justice of the Peace of Prince George's County. A majority
of said Mayor and Common Council shall constitute a
quorum, and the act of such majority shall be the act of the
complete Mayor and Common Council.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Common Council shall have power to levy, on or before the
thirtieth day of June for each year, the tax year commenc-
ing on the first day of July, a tax not to exceed ten (10)
cents per One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) assessed value
based upon the State and County assessments on all real
property as the needs of the town may require. Such tax
shall be in default after the first day of October of each
year and shall thereafter bear a penalty of one per centum
(1%) per month until paid. The Treasurer of said town
shall calculate the amount of taxes due by each person and
shall render a bill to the address given on such lists of as-
sessments either by depositing the same in the mail or
otherwise, or if the address of any such person is unknown,
to the best address ascertainable. All taxes not paid by the
first day of March next succeeding their levy shall be col-
lected in the following manner: The Treasurer shall make
up a list stating the name of the owner, a brief description
of real properties and the amount of taxes, interest and
penalties due, which penalties shall include the cost of col-
lection, and advertise the same for four successive weeks
in some weekly newspaper published in Prince George's
County, giving notice therein of the time and place when
he will sell said property to the highest bidder for cash.
At such time and place the said Treasurer shall attend and
offer the said property for sale and if there be no bidders
for any particular piece may buy the same in the name of
the town. Any person interested in said property may re-
deem the same within two (2) years from the date of said
sale by paying all taxes, interest, penalties and costs, and if
at the expiration of said two years said property is not re-
deemed, the Mayor and Common Council shall give a deed