An ACT for the benefit of the Children of Benjamin Young, deceased,
late of Prince-George's County.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Martha Young,
of the District of Columbia, widow and administratrix of Benjamin Young, lute of Prince-
George's county, deceased, that the said Benjamin Young died intestate, indebted to a considerable
amount, and possessed of valuable tracts of land in Kent and Prince-George's counties, together
with a large personal estate, leaving four children, Notley Young, Benjamin Young, Eleanor Young
and Elizabeth Young, who are minors: And whereas it is also represented, that the interest of the
stud minors would be greatly promoted by the sale of the lands in Kent county, for the benefit of the
creditors; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the chancellor shall have full power
and authority, on the petition of Martha Young and Nicholas Young, provided he shall be satisfied
that it will conduce to the benefit of the said minors, and secure the interests of the creditors of the
said Benjamin Young, deceased, to order and decree the sale of the said tracts of land in Kent
county, upon such terms as he may think proper, and to appoint a trustee or trustees for the purpose
of effecting such sale.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any sale made under the authority granted by the provisions of
this act, shall be notified to, and confirmed by, the chancellor, before the conveyance of the pro-
perty shall be made, and bond, in the name of the state of Maryland, with good and sufficient secu-
rity, to be approved of by him, shall be given by the person or persons empowered to sell the lands
under the decree aforesaid, for the due execution of the trust, which bond shall be deposited with
the register of the court of chancery, to be by him recorded, and shall be subject to be put in suit
by any person or persons interested.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee or trustees to be appointed by the decree aforesaid,
shall be accountable to the guardian of the said minors and administrators of the said Benjamin
Young, deceased, under the direction of the chancellor, and shall pay over the money arising from
the sale of the tracts of lands aforesaid in such manner as the chancellor shall or may direct.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any conveyance or deed made by the trustee or trustees aforesaid,
under the decree of the chancellor as aforesaid, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be, valid
and effectual to pass and convey all the right, title and interest, of the said minors, in and to the
tracts of land aforesaid, to the purchaser or purchasers of the same.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT for incorporating the Rockville Academy, in Montgomery
WHEREAS application has been made to this general assembly of Maryland, for the passage of
a law to incorporate the Rockville academy, in Montgomery county; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Richard Anderson, Solomon Hol-
land, Lewis Beall, Jesse Leach, James Anderson, John Wootton, Joseph Elgar, junior, and Honore
Martin, be and they are hereby appointed the first trustees of the said academy; and the said trus-
tees, and their successors, to be elected in the manner herein after mentioned, shall be, and they
are hereby erected, established and declared to be, one community, corporation and body politic,
with perpetual succession, in deed and law, to all intents and purposes connected with the said in-
stitution, by the name and style of The Trustees of the Rockville Academy, in Montgomery Coun-
ty, by which name and title they, the said trustees, and their successors, shall be completed, and
capable at law and in equity, to take and to hold to themselves, and their successors, for the use of
the said academy, any estate in any messuages, lands and tenements, goods, chattels, monies or ef-
fects, by the gift, grant, bargain, sale, conveyance, devise or bequest, of any person or persons-
whatsoever, provided the same do not exceed in the whole the clear yearly value of five thousand
dollars; and the same messuages, lands and tenements, and other estate, real or personal, to grant
again, bargain, sell, convey, assure, demise, and to farm let, and put out on interest, or otherwise
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.