II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the third section of the act, entitled,
An act for the relief of John Charles Francis Chirac, passed at November session, eighteen hun-
dred, be and the same hereby is repealed.
III. PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said John Charles Francis Chirac shall,
and he is hereby directed, to sell and convey all his right and title in and to the aforesaid real estate,
to some person or persons, a citizen or citizens of the United States, within the term of fifteen
years from this date, otherwise this act to be null and void.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to release the right of the State of Maryland in Lots
Number Forty, Forty-One and Forty-Two, in the City of Balti-
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of Edward Aisquith, son
of William Aisquith, late of the city of Baltimore, de. ceased, and John W. Glenn, husband
and assignee of Elizabeth Glenn, formerly Elizabeth Aisquith, daughter of said William Aisquith,
which said Edward and Elizabeth were the only children and heirs of said William Aisquith; that
said William Aisquith died seized and possessed of lots number forty, forty-one and forty-two, upon
which he had expended large sums of money in the improvement thereof, under a firm belief that
the said William Aisquith had a good title thereto, and of which he had been in quiet and peaceable
possession for at least thirty years; and have further, by their said petition, represented, that doubts
are entertained by some persons whether said lots are not liable to escheat or confiscation, which
said doubts prevent the said petitioners from selling said property unless at a great sacrifice and loss,
and tend to retard and improvement of that part of the city of Baltimore: And whereas it ap-
pears to this general assembly, that it would be equitable and right to quiet and settle said doubts,
and to release the right of the state in and to said property, in favour of said petitioners, according
to the petition thereof made between them, and to those persons respectively claiming under said
William Aisquith, or the said petitioners, or either of them, according to their respective claims,
agreeably to the prayer of said petition; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all the right and title of this state
to said lots number forty, forty-one and forty-two, be and the same is hereby relinquished, and vest-
ed for ever in said Edward Aisquith and John W. Glenn, agreeably to the partition thereof made
between them, and to all other persons, in and to such parts of said lots as they respectively hold or
claim therein, either under the said William Aisquith, or the said petitioners, or either of them,
agreeably to their said claim.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
A Supplement to the Act, entitled, An Act authorising a Lottery to
raise a sum of Money to purchase a Fire Engine, and to erect a
House with an Alarm Bell, in the Western Precincts of Balti-
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Emanuel Kent, George Warner, Luke
Tiernan, Adam Welsh and Louis Pascault, be and are hereby added as managers to the afore-
said lottery, that they, with the managers named in the act to which this is a supplement, or a ma-
jority of them, be and are hereby empowered to raise eight thousand dollars, in addition to the sum
specified in said act, raising in the whole the sum of twenty thousand dollars, clear of all cost and
expenses in drawing said lottery, eight twentieths of the profits thereof to be paid over to the com-
missioners of the western precincts market-house, to be appropriated by said commissioners to the
discharge of the debts due for said market-house or ground, the balance, if any, to be appropriated
t, o the use and benefit of said market-house.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners of the western precincts market be and are
hereby authorised to appropriate any part of said market-house, or the ground attached thereto, for
the erection of an engine-house, or other building for a place of public meetings, and on which an
alarm-bell may be erected.