from imprisonment, and appoint a time when such debtor
shall appear before the county court, to answer interrogatories
which his creditors may propose to him, on not less than three
months notice, as by the said original act is provided, any thing in
the said original act, or the supplement thereto, to the contrary notwithstanding;
Provided, that such discharge from imprisonment
shall not operate as a discharge of any of the debts of the said
imprisoned debtor; And provided, that the said imprisoned debtor,
at the time of his discharge, if required by the county court, or
any judge thereof, shall enter into a bond, with such penalty and
security as the county court, or any judge thereof, shall direct and
approve, conditioned for his personal appearance at such time or
times as the said court, or any judge thereof, shall direct, to answer
the allegations of his creditor or creditors, according to the
provisions aforesaid, and if the said debtor shall not enter into
bond aforesaid, if required by the county court, or any judge thereof,
then such debtor shall remain in confinement until the application,
if objected to, shall be decided upon. |
CHAP. 150.
Not to operate as
a discharge of any
other person.
Debtor if required
to give bond, &c. |
4. AND, whereas the
said original act required that any debtor
who shall apply for the benefit of the said act, shall produce to
the court, or judge, to whom he shall apply, the assent, in writing,
of so many of his creditors as have due to them two thirds of the
amount of the debts due by such debtor at the time of his application,
and in many instances more than one third of the debts due
by debtors applying for relief is due to banks or other corporate
bodies, or to the estates of persons deceased, or to trustees who
represent creditors or others, and the officers having charge of the
affairs of such corporate bodies, the executors and administrators
of such deceased person, and the trustees before mentioned, although
not desirous of preventing the release of such debtor, do
not conceive themselves authorised to consent to his release; therefore,
BE IT ENACTED, That in order to remove all doubts as to
the power of such corporate bodies, executors, administrators and
trustees, to sign their assent to the release of any insolvent debtor,
under the insolvent laws of this state, the said corporate bodies,
executors, administrators and trustees, be and they, or any of them,
are hereby declared duly authorised to sign their assent to such release
of any insolvent debtor, whenever they, or any of them, shall
deem the same right and proper. |
Corporate bodies,
&c. authorised to
sign their assent to
release of any insolvent
debtor. |
An Act for the limitation of Appeals and Writs of Error. Lib.
No. 1, fol. 492. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this law, no writ of error or appeal
shall be prosecuted upon a judgment rendered in the late general
court, or upon any judgment or decree which has been or shall be
rendered or passed in any county court, after three years shall have
elapsed from the time of the rendition or passage of such judgment
or decree; Provided always, that eighteen calendar months, to be
computed from the passage of this act, be allowed to all persons
for the prosecution of appeals and writs of error upon any judgment
heretofore rendered in the late general court, and upon any
judgment or decree heretofore rendered in any county court, which |
No writ of error
or appeal shall be
prosecuted upon a
judgment rendered
in the late
general court, after
three years
have elapsed from
rendition thereof.
Proviso. |