CHAP. 149.
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act for the benefit of John Schnebly, Jacob Schnebly, David Schnebly,
and the Children of Jacob Barnett, of Washington County,
Devisees of Doctor Henry Schnebly, late of said
County. Lib. TH.
No. 1, fol. 488. A Private Act.
The lands to them respectively devised
by Doctor Henry Schnebly, deceased,
declared to be devisees in fee simple. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808.
* Ch. 110. |
A Further Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the relief
sundry Insolvent Debtors, passed at November Session,
hundred and five. * Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 490. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS by the original act to which this is a supplement,
is provided, that any debtor, applying for the benefit of the said
act, shall have at any time lost more than one hundred dollars by
gaming at one time, such debtor shall be for ever precluded from
any benefit of the said act, by the generality of which provision
the whole space of a man's life is embraced, which is deemed unreasonable
and improper; therefore, |
Debtor not to be
precluded from
benefit of act who
may have lost
more than $100
by gaming at any
one time. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
no debtor applying for the benefit of the said act, and the act supplementary
thereto, shall be precluded from the benefit thereof for
and on account of such debtor having at any time lost more than
one hundred dollars by gaming at one time, unless such losing
shall have happened within the space of three years next before
the application of such debtor for the benefit of the same. |
3. AND, whereas by the twenty-first and last
section of the
original law to which this is a supplement, any debtor not named
in the said original law, who is or hereafter may be in actual confinement,
and who applies for the benefit of that law under the provisions
contained in the aforesaid section, is placed in a very different
situation from that of a debtor named in the said law who
should be in confinement, inasmuch as the former must apply to
the court of his county, which is only in session twice a year, and
is not permitted to apply to a single judge out of term time, and
must also give two months previous notice of his intended application;
therefore, BE IT ENACTED, That if any debtor (a) who
shall petition in virtue of the said original act and the supplement
thereto, shall be imprisoned at the time of exhibiting his petition, it
shall be lawful for the county court, or any judge thereof (b), to
order the sheriff, or other officer, in whose custody he shall be, to
bring him or her before such court or judge, at a certain time in
the said order to be appointed, for the purpose of taking the oath,
or affirmation, in the said original act prescribed to be taken by
an insolvent debtor, and the said sheriff, or other officer, shall
obey the said order, and shall be entitled to a preference, after a
discharge of all liens on the said debtor's estate, to all other creditors,
in the payment of his account against the said debtor for legal
fees of imprisonment, and his reasonable expenses in carrying
the said debtor to the county court, or any judge thereof, in obedience
to the order as aforesaid, any thing in the said original act or
the supplement thereto notwithstanding; and the court, or any
judge thereof, may direct that the body of such debtor shall be discharged
(a) See 1808, ch. 71. (b) See 1817, ch. 183. |