CHAP. 151. |
was not barred by the statute of limitations before the passage of
this act, and which, but for this provision, would be barred by this
See 1713, ch. 4; and 1811, ch. 171. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
A Further Additional Supplement to the act (a) entitled,
An act to
erect Baltimore-Town, in Baltimore County, into a City,
and to incorporate
the inhabitants thereof. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol.
(a) 1796,
ch. 68. See 1803, ch. 93; 1805, ch. 108; and 1817, ch. 148. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS by the act to which this is a supplement,
certain principles
are established, and qualifications of the members of the city
council of the city of Baltimore, which experience hath proved to
be inconvenient in their operation, and repugnant to the wishes of
a great portion of the inhabitants of Baltimore, who have by their
petition to this general assembly prayed for an alteration of the
same; therefore, |
Members of second
branch of
city council when
and how to be
elected. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
(b), That the
persons in the several wards of the said city, qualified to vote
members in the first branch of the city council, shall, on the first
Monday in October next, and on the first Monday in October in
every second year thereafter, assemble at the place of holding
elections in their respective wards, and in each ward there shall be
elected, by ballot, one person, a resident of the ward by which he
is elected, which persons, elected as aforesaid, and being eligible
as such, shall be the members of the second branch of the city
council of Baltimore; and all vacancies in the said second branch
of the city council shall be filled in the same manner that vacancies
in the first branch of the city council are filled up.
(b) The words of Maryland omitted in the engrossed law and
record. |
Mayor, how to be
chosen. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the mayor of the
said city shall
be chosen in the following manner, to wit: The persons qualified
to vote for members of the first branch of the city county, shall,
on the first Monday in October next, and on the same day in every
second year thereafter, assemble at the place of holding elections
in their respective wards in the city of Baltimore, and elect, by
ballot, sixteen persons, qualified to be members of the first branch
of the city council, as electors of the mayor of the said city, two
of whom shall reside in each of the said wards, which said elections
shall, on the first Monday in November next, and on the same
day in every second year thereafter; and no person shall be eligible
as mayor who is not of known integrity, experience and sound
judgment, twenty-five years of age, ten years a citizen of the
United States, five years a resident in the city of Baltimore next
preceding the election, and assessed on the books of the assessor
with the property in the city of Baltimore to the amount of five
hundred dollars; and in case two or more persons shall have an
equal number of votes for the mayor, the said electors shall determine,
by lot, which of the persons, so having an equal number of
votes, shall be appointed to the office of mayor; and the said electors,
before they proceed to the said election, shall swear, or affirm,
as the case may be, that they will elect, without favour, partiality |