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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3163   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.


closely confined in the gaol of Anne Arundel county,
or in the county where he lives, or may be taken, till
released by his order,
      If such person be the sheriff of a county, he
may be confined in the gaol of Anne Arundel county,
or any one adjoining to his own, till released as aforesaid,
    The chancellor may in all cases execute any order
or decree in pursuance of the power and authority
hereby conferred,
    But nothing herein shall deprive any person
of the liberty of appeal,
    Land subject to escheat may be decreed to be sold
for the payment of debts, where personal property
sufficient has not been left,
    Manner of decreeing a conveyance where a person
having contracted in writing for the sale of any real
estate shall die seized thereof intestate, and without
heirs of the whole or of the half blood,
    Directions respecting suits for conveyances
against nonresidents,
    The chancellor to direct the sale of lands belonging
to minors, residents of any other state, in the same
manner as in the case of minors residents of this state,
      Notice to be given,
    The chancellor to direct the sale of all lands, &c.
or any reversion or remainder thereon, belonging to
minors residents out of the state, and the United
      Notice to be given, &c.
    The chancellor, on application by a representative
of a person deceased, who shall have contracted
for the sale and conveyance of lands, and not
performed the same, and shall have devised or left
them to descend to persons under age, &c. if the
said representatives are immediately interested in
having a specific performance, shall decree the
same as in other cases by the act of 1773, ch. 7,
    Manner of vesting the legal title and estate where
a person having contracts for the sale of lands, &c.
and not having conveyed them, dies without leaving an
heir known of, and capable of inheriting his real estate,

    The chancellor may decree the sale of real estates
devised or descended to nonresidents, &c.
      Likewise the real estates or equitable interests
therein, of persons dying without any known heirs or
  Provision made for obtaining the legal title,

    On patents issuing for lands escheated, the creditors
empowered to file their bill against the state, and
the proceedings therein directed,
    The chancellor may order and decree partition to
be made in case of any infant, idiot, &c. hath or shall
have a joint interest or interest in common with any
other person in lands, &c.
    Directions for decreeing a foreclosure or sale where
the mortgagor has removed, and his situation or that
of his representatives cannot be ascertained,
    The chancellor may decree a sale of the equitable
interest of persons against whom there are judgments
or decrees,
    Directions respecting proceedings, and notice
against defendants living out of the state,

  Respecting the proceedings on bills filed against
infants out of the state,

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1785      72  33

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                Enbsp; 34

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            1785      78    1

                Enbsp; E/font>
            1787      30    2
            1792      41    2

            1789      46    2
                Enbsp;    3

            1790      38    2
                Enbsp;   3

            1791      79    4

            1792      41    4

            1794      60    2

                Enbsp;   3
                Enbsp;   4

                Enbsp;   6

                Enbsp;   8

                Enbsp;   9

                Enbsp;  10
            1795      88    1
            1799      79    1

            1799      79    4

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3163   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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