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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3162   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.


  Allowance to the commissioners payable by
the parties, and to be taxes as costs,
  Same as to witnesses,
    Appointment and duty of the auditor for the chancery
  His allowance to be taxed in the costs,
    Manner of compelling payment,
    Process to compel the appearance and answer of
persons of full age,
    Proceedings to compel an answer, after the appearance,
by the fourth day of the next term, and
to compel an appearance and answer,
    The defendant may exhibit interrogatories to the
plaintiff, which he shall answer in writing upon oath,
  Such answer shall be evidence to the same effect
&c. as the defendant's answer to the plaintiff's bill,
  The power and process shall be the same to compel
an answer to such interrogatories by the plaintiff,
as to compel an answer by the defendant to the plaintiff's
    To enforce obedience to the process, &c. of the
court of chancery, every person in contempt, for disobedience,
&c. shall, before he is released, pay to the
register (to be accounted for by him,) a fine not exceeding
£ 10, and be committed till the said process is
obeyed and the fine paid,
    Sheriffs, coroners, &c. directed and authorised to
execute any process of contempt, or order of the
chancellor, to bring in the persons therein mentioned,
  Proceedings directed against such sheriffs by
amerciament, execution, &c. on their failing to comply
with the orders of the court,
  Against sheriffs, &c. not making return of process,
    Manner of compelling a compliance with a judgment
or decree,
    On a demurrer or plea being overruled upon argument
or otherwise, or being withdrawn without leave
of the court, the sum of five pounds and the costs
thereof shall be paid by the opposite party, to be enforced
by process of contempt,
    The process of commission of rebellion and sergeant
at arms, shall be omitted in chancery,
    Appeals from the decision of the chancery court
(in cases where they lie,) shall be made within nine
months therefrom, and not afterwards,
    Proceedings in cases of injunction issued by order
of the chancellor to stay waste, and manner of enforcing
such order,
    Proceedings directed where a mortgagor, his heirs,
&c. shall be a British subject, and the person having
the right, a citizen,
      Where a mortgagor of real property within
this state to a citizen thereof, shall reside out of the
state and within the United States,
      Where the defendant residing out of the state
is an infant, idiot, &c. the same proceedings to be
had against them as if residents,
    Proceedings in case of a bill filed against a defendant
or defendants in this state, in which it may be
necessary to join a defendant or defendants out of the
    The chancellor may appoint a messenger to attend
his court, or a special messenger at the request of the
parties, to execute process, &c.
  His duty, allowance, &c.
    The chancellor empowered to commit any person
in contempt to the custody of the messenger, to be

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1785      72  15
            1818    193    3
            1785      72  16

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            1799      79    2

            1785      72  21

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            1818    193   4

            1785      72  25

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            1818    193    1

            1785      72  28

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3162   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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