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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3161   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.


  Such conveyances before made declared to be
  Liberty reserved to them to shew cause against
such conveyance, &c.
    The chancellor to hear and determine all causes
for alimony as fully as such causes could be heard by
the laws of England in the ecclesiastical courts,
    Chancery practice regulated relative to perpetuating
    Fees to the register in chancery regulated,
    Manner of deciding on mortgage to foreigners, &c.
    Manner of decreeing a foreclosure of sale of mortgaged
property possessed by persons under age,
idiots, lunatics, or persons non compos mentis,

  Bond to be filed, with condition to reconvey back
to any infant interested, on his making it appear,
within a year of his coming of age, that there was
fraud in obtaining the deed, &c.
Directions respecting the terms of sale,

    The chancellor empowered to appoint a person to
sell real or personal property left to be sold for payment
of debts, or other purposes, where no person
has been appointed by will to sell, or the person appointed
neglects or refuses, so that a sale cannot be
    In cases of persons dying without leaving personal
estate to discharge their debts, and leaving a
real estate to descend to a minor, idiot, lunatic, or
person non compos mentis, or who shall become so,
or devising a real estate to any such persons, the
chancellor on application of a creditor, may order
the whole, or a part of such estate descending or
devised, to be sold for the payment of the debts of
the deceased,
  Such order to take place after summoning such
minor, and his appearance by guardian, and hearing,
or after summoning such idiot, &c. and his appearance
by trustee, and hearing, when the justice of the
claim is established, if on consideration it should appear
that such debts should be paid by a sale of the
real estate,
  Power of the chancellor respecting the persons
and estates of idiots, lunatics, &c.
  Appointment of a trustee to make such sale,
  Manner of decreeing sale, &c.

    Power of the chancellor respecting trustees appointed
by last will and testament,
    Power o the chancellor respecting the recording
of deeds not recorded agreeably to law,

    The chancellor may direct the sale of lands, &c. in
which an infant, idiot, or person non compos mentis,
may have a joint interest, or interest in common with
other persons, or where a contract has been made
for such lands,
    Where a decree is made for a conveyance, release
or acquittance, and the party neglects or refuses to
comply, such decree to have the same effect as if the
conveyance, &c. had been executed agreeably to
such decree,
    On commissions for taking testimony, the parties,
and their attornies or agents, have a right to be present,
and to hear the interrogatories read, and to have
copies of them before the examination of a witness,
  Power of the commissioners to adjourn,

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1778      22   3

                Enbsp;   4

Feb.    1777      12  14

July    1779        8    8
            1779      25    3
            1812      32
            1784      58    3
            1785      72    1

                Enbsp;   2
                Enbsp;   3

                Enbsp;   4

            1785      72    5
            1818    193    2

            1785      72    5
                Enbsp;    6
            1790      60    2
            1785      72    7
                Enbsp;    8

                Enbsp;  10
                Enbsp;  11
            1791      79
            1792      41    3

            1785      72  12

                Enbsp;  13

                Enbsp; 14
                Enbsp; E/font>

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3161   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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