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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3160   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.



payment of the purchase money conveyance to be
made, &c.
    Allowance to the trustee, &c.
    The principal arising the sale of any real estate
not to be applied to the maintenance, &c. of any
infant, unless the chancellor or county court may
consider it necessary, &c.
    Widow entitled to dower consenting to a sale, &c.
chancellor or county courts may award such proportion
to such widow as he or they may think just, &c.
    Such award to bar, &c.
    Directions how to proceed in case the widow does
not consent to a sale, &c.
    In case of death of trustee how vacancy to be supplied,
    Where infants are seized of a reversion dependant
upon a life estate, &c. tenant for life assenting to a
sale, chancellor to order annual interest, &c. to be
paid to such tenant for life,
    In all cases of petitions where nonresidents are parties,
courts to cause notice to be given in the public
newspapers for such party to appear on a certain day;
on notice given court to hear and determine the same
as fully as if the party had appeared,
    The chancellor, &c. to examine the dockets, &c.
to specify the periods from term to term in which unrecorded
papers, &c. to be recorded, &c.
    Books to be brought before the chancellor, &c. to
determine whether the records are made up agreeably
to law,
    Upon failure of the officer to perform the duties his
bond to be sued, &c.

    For what sum suits may be brought in chancery,
    Persons aggrieved by decree of the chancery court
may appeal to the governor and council,
    Appeals from the chancery court to the court of
appeals subject to the same regulation as appeals from
the courts of common law,
    The chancery court may direct a conveyance by
infants seized or possessed of lands, &c. in trust or by
mortgage, or charged with the payment of money or
tobacco, or bound by an agreement to convey,

  May direct a conveyance of lands charged as
aforesaid held by persons being idiot, lunatic or non
compos mentis.
      The conveyances to be made in such manner
as the court of chancery shall direct, and those made
by infants to be as effectual as if they were of age,
      Such conveyances made by the committee of
idiots, &c. to be as effectual as if they had been of
sound mind, and had executed them,
      Infants, and the committees of idiots, &c. to
be compelled to make such conveyances,
      Six months given to infants, or their heirs,
after arriving at age, to shew cause against such conveyance,
and to procure a reconveyance on shewing
sufficient cause,

    Directions for notice to be given in suits against
persons absent or not to be found for decrees in
such cases, and for rehearing on the application of
the defendants,

    Infants bound by conveyance made by guardians
in pursuance of the order of the court of chancery,

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1816    154   1
                Enbsp;   4

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               Enbsp;  10
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                Enbsp; 11

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            1818    133    1

            1817    119    1

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                Enbsp; E/font>

April   1715      41    7

July    1721       14    4

July    1729         3    3

            1773        7    1

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                Enbsp;   2

                Enbsp;   3
            1804    107

Oct.    1778      22    2

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3160   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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