An Act to incorporate a Company for building Bridges over the Great
Falls and the Little Falls of Gunpowder, in Baltimore
and Winter's Run, in Harford County. Lib.
JG. No. 4, fol. 24. |
CHAP. 28.
Passed Dec. 31. |
WHEREAS it is considered by this general assembly,
that the erecting
of good substantial bridges over the Great Falls and the Little
Falls of Gunpowder, in Baltimore county, and Winter's Run, in Harford
county, where the post-road leading from Baltimore to Philadelphia
intersects the same, would greatly add to and essentially
promote the public convenience; therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Jesse Hollingsworth, of the city of Baltimore, William Maccubbin
and James Tolly, of Baltimore county, and William Smithson, John
Mores and John Barrett Onion, of Harford county, or any three of
them, be and are hereby appointed commissioners to receive subscriptions
at Belle-Air, in Harford county, and at the city of Baltimore,
for erecting said bridges; and that three weeks notice be
given in one of the public papers of the city of Baltimore of the
times and places of opening the said subscription, and that the same
be kept open until the whole number of shares be subscribed. |
Commissioners appointed
to receive
subscriptions. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sum of twelve
thousand dollars,
for the capital stock, be raised in the manner aforesaid for the
above purpose, and that the said stock be divided into one hundred
and twenty shares of one hundred dollars each, and that as soon as
sixty shares shall be subscribed, the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, shall call a meeting of the stockholders, who shall
proceed in person, or by proxy, to the election, by ballot, of seven
directors, who shall have full power and authority to contract for
the building of the said bridges, and to do all other things appertaining
thereto, agreeable to the provisions of this act. |
Capital stock--
election of directors. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said directors
shall elect one
of their number to act as president, who shall, with the directors,
continue in office one year; and the said stockholders, in one year
after the day on which the election shall first be made, and on the
same day in every year thereafter, except the same shall happen on
Sunday, in that case on the day succeeding, shall elect, by ballot,
from among the stockholders, seven persons as directors, and every
stockholder shall be eligible as a director; and the president and directors
for the time being shall give public notice for a new election,
at least ten days previous to the expiration of the time for which
they were elected. |
President to be
elections. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said president
and directors
shall be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to appoint
a treasurer during their pleasure, who, within ten days after his
appointment, and before he proceeds to act as such, shall give bond,
with approved security, to the said president and directors, in such
sum as they shall appoint, conditioned for the faithful discharge of
the duties of his office. |
Treasurer to be
appointed. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said president
and directors
shall keep a just and true account of all and every the monies received
by their collector for tolls, and shall declare and make a dividend
of the profits thereof among the stockholders on every first
Monday in January and June, of which public notice shall be given;
Provided nevertheless, that no such dividend of profits shall take |
Account of monies
received to be
Provisos. |