CHAP. 21.
Provisos. |
the said road, and such sheriff shall return the inquisition of the
jury, under their hands and seals, and attested under his official
signature, to the next levy court to be held for the said county, and
the amount of damages therein expressed, if any, shall be paid by
order of the said court out of the monies to be levied as is hereinafter
directed; Provided, that in case the said road shall run on the
bed of any old road heretofore laid out and now in use, such person
or persons through whose lands the said old road now passes,
shall not be entitled to receive any compensation for damages herein
before directed to be paid; Provided also, that the said road
shall not pass through any enclosed yard, garden, or orchard, without
the consent of the owner, nor shall any field in which grain,
hemp, flax or tobacco, or other cultivated vegetables are growing,
be laid open until after the season for collecting and securing the
crops growing on such field. |
Levy to be made
for opening road. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of the said
county, at the time of laying the next levy for the said county,
shall levy on the assessable property of the said county such
sum or sums of money as they may deem necessary for the
purpose of surveying, opening and clearing, the said road, and the
payments of the damages to the owners of the land through which
the said road shall pass, and also for the payment of such compensation
to the commissioners as is hereinafter directed to be paid. |
Compensation to
commissioners. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the commissioners
shall have discharged all the duties required of them by this act,
the levy court aforesaid shall order to be made to the said commissioners
respectively, out of the monies to be levied as is by this act
directed, such reasonable compensation as to the said court shall
seem meet; and the said commissioners respectively shall thereafter
be discharged. |
Passed Dec. 31. |
An Act to empower the Levy Court of Prince-George's county to assess
a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned.
Lib. JG.
No. 4, fol. 24. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Thomas Dyer, of Prince-George's county,
by his petition
to this general assembly, has set forth, that he is, through age
and infirmities, rendered incapable of maintaining his son Nathaniel
Green Dyer, now eighteen years of age, who at twelve years of age
was attacked with a white swelling on his left arm, which has continued
to affect him up to the present day, upwards of six years,
and has rendered him entirely unable to do any kind of labour
which might contribute to his support, and prays that a law may
pass for the support of his son out of the poor-house; and the prayer
of the said petitioner appearing reasonable, |
Levy authorised. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the levy court of Prince-George's county shall be and are hereby
directed and empowered, at their levy courts annually, so long as
they may see cause, to assess and levy on said county a sum of money
not exceeding fifty dollars, for the support and maintenance
of the said Nathaniel Green Dyer, son of the aforesaid Thomas
Dyer, and that the same be collected and paid annually to the aforesaid
Thomas Dyer, by the collector or collectors of Prince-George's
county, agreeable to the order of the levy court aforesaid. |