CHAP. 23. |
place until the damages herein after mentioned shall have been paid
and satisfied; And provided also, that no division of profits shall
fifteen per centum per annum. |
Account of receipts
and expenditures
to be annually
made to
county courts. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said president
and directors,
after the bridges aforesaid shall be completed, shall annually, between
the first day of January and the first day of May, lay before
the county court of Baltimore and Harford respectively, a just
and true account of their receipts and expenditures, with a statement
of the clear profits thereof, which shall be applied in the first
instance to the payment of the damages sustained by individuals
over whose land the said public road runs, and which have been
heretofore ascertained according to the provisions of an act, entitled,
An act to straighten and amend the post-road from Havre-de-Grace
to Baltimore-town, and to the extinguishment of the capital stock,
in such manner as they may by the said president and directors be deemed
best calculated to effect the same; and whenever the said damages,
and also the principal stock, shall be so sunk, with an advance
of fifteen per centum per annum on said principal stock, then and
such case the said bridges shall be thrown open, and remain for
ever after clear of all toll. |
Penalty for neglect. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said president
and directors
shall not return their accounts as herein directed to the county
courts of Baltimore and Harford as aforesaid, they shall forfeit the
sum of one thousand dollars each for every such neglect, to be applied
towards sinking the capital of the said bridges. |
If bridges are not
begun before 1st
July, 1803, act to
be void. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said bridges
be not begun
before the first day of July, eighteen hundred and three, and rendered
passable with security and convenience before the first day of
January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
five, then this act to be void in all its parts. |
When erected,
property vested in
Tolls. |
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when good and
secure bridges,
with stone arches or stone pillars, shall be erected over the Great
Falls and Little Falls of Gunpowder, in Baltimore county, and
Winter's Run, in Harford county, as aforesaid, the property thereof
shall be vested in the stockholders, subject to the provisions of
this act; and the said stockholders, or the directors that may be appointed
by them, shall be authorised to erect a gate on the bridge
built, or to be built, across the Little Falls, or in the road adjoining
the same, and a house for the residence of the collector of the
tolls, and to demand and receive the following tolls at the said gate;
that is to say, for every led or driven horse or mule, and for each
head of black cattle, two cents; for every sheep or hog, one cent;
for every coach or other four wheeled riding carriage, the driver and
horses, not exceeding thirty-seven and one half cents; for every two
wheeled riding carriage, the driver and horse or horses, not exceeding
twenty-five cents; for every wagon, cart, or other carriage of
burthen, drawn by horses, mules or oxen, not exceeding two cents
for every horse, mule or ox therein; and for every horse or mule,
and rider, and six cents; and for every sleigh or slide, three cents for
each horse or mule therein. |
Penalty for demanding
rates than are allowed
--for not
keeping bridges
in repair. |
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said president
and directors,
or their servants or agents, or any of them, shall demand and
receive any greater rates or tolls than those herein enumerated, or
shall neglect to keep the said bridges in good and sufficient repair, |