I. City by the Water (1750-1850)

Adams, Donald, Jr. “One Hundred Years of Prices and Wages: Maryland, 1750-1850.” Working Papers from the Regional Economic History Research Center 5 (No. 4, 1982): 90-129.

Alexander, Robert L. “Baltimore Rowhouses of the Early Nineteenth Century.” American Studies 16 (Fall 1975): 65-76.

Baker, Jean H. Ambivalent Americans: The Know-Nothing Party in Maryland. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977.

Berlin, Ira. Slaves Without Masters. New York: Oxford U. Press, 1981 [EPFL: E 185.18.B47]

Bernard, Richard M. “A Portrait of Baltimore in 1800: Economic and Occupational Patterns in an Early American City.” Maryland Historical Magazine 69 (1974): 341-60.

Bilhartz, Terry D. Urban Religion and the Second Great Awakening: Church and Society in Early National Baltimore. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickenson University Press,1986.

Blandi, Joseph G. Maryland Business Corporations, 1783-1852.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univerisity Press, 1934. [Appendix lists charters granted over that period.]

Blood, Pearle. “Factors in the Economic Development of Baltimore, Maryland.” Economic Geography 13 (April 1937): 187-208.

Boles, John, ed. Maryland Heritage: Five Baltimore Insitutions Celebrate the American Bicentennial. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1976.

Bond, Crystelle. “A Chronicle of Dance in Baltimore, 1780-1814.” Dance Perspectives 66 (Summer 1976): 1-49.

Browne, Gary L. Baltimore in the Nation, 1789-1861. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980. F 189.B1B76 1973 [Far-reaching effects of industrial revolution on Baltimore.]

————–. “Federalism in Baltimore.” Maryland Historical Magazine 83 (1988).

Bruchey, Stuart W. Robert Oliver: Merchant of Baltimore, 1783 -1819. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1956.

Callcott, Margaret L., ed. Mistress of Riversdale: The Plantation Letters of Rosalie Stier Calvert 1795-1831. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.

Campbell, Penelope. Maryland in Africa: The Maryland State Colonization Society, 1831-1857. Urbana: U of Illinois Press, 1971. [EPFL 175.2.C2]

Carroll, Douglas G. and Blanche D. Coll. “The Baltimore Almshouse: An Early History.” Maryland Historical Magazine (Summer 1971): 135-152.

[History of the almshouse, reproduced from report written ca. 1819.]

Cassell, Frank A. “The Great Baltimore Riot of 1812.” Maryland Historical Magazine 70 (1975): 241-59.

—————-. Merchant Congressman in the Young Republic: Samuel Smith of Maryland, 1752-1839. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1971.

—————-. “The Structure of Baltimore’s Politics in the Age of Jefferson, 1795-1812″ in Aubrey C. Land, et al., eds. Law, Society and Politics in Early Maryland. Baltimore: JHU Press, 1974.

Chappelle, Howard I. The Baltimore Clipper: Its Origin and Development. Hatboro, PA: Tradition Press, 1965.

Clark, Dennis Rankin. “Baltimore, 1729-1829: The Genesis of a Community.” Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 1976. [Administrative services (police, education, health) before full municipal government developed.]

Clemens, Augustus. Baltimore Town, 1830-1850: Reminiscences. Towson: Matilda C. Lacey, 1991.

Click, Patricia Catherine. “Leisure in the Upper South in the Nineteenth Century: A Study of Trends in

Baltimore,Norfolk and Richmond.” Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1980. Published as the following:

————————-. The Spirit of the Times: Amusements in 19th Century Baltimore, Norfolk, and Richmond. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1989. (Not nearly as detailed and interesting as our work on the cultural life of Baltimore for “Mermaids.”

Coll, Blanche D. “The Baltimore Society for the Prevention of Pauperism. 1820-1822.” American Historical Review (October 1955): 77-87.

Cox, Richard J. “Trouble on the Chain Gang: City Surveying, Maps, and the Absence of Urban Planning in Baltimore, 1730-1823.” Maryland Historical Magazine 80 (1985): 8-49.

Curry, Leonard P. The Free Black in Urban America 1800-1850: The Shadow of the Dream. Chicago: The U. of Chicago Press, 1981. [EPFL: E185.9.C87]

Davidson, Edward Hutchins. Poe: A Critical Study. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1964.

Dilts, James D. The Great Road: The Building of the Baltimore and Ohio, the Nation’s First Railroad, 1828-1853. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1993.

Elder, William Voss III. Baltimore Painted Furniture, 1800-1840. Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1972.

———————–. “Robert Mills’ Waterloo Row-Baltimore 1816.” Record [Baltimore Museum of Art] 1 (1971): 24 pp.

Fields, Barbara J. Slavery and Freedom on the Middle Ground: Maryland during the Nineteenth Century. New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 1985. [EPFL: E 445.M3.F54 1985]

Gardner, Bettye Jane. “The Free Blacks in Baltimore 1800-1860.” Ph.D., George Washington University, 1974. [GWU Gelman Library: AS 36 G3]

Garitee, Jerome R. The Republic’s Private Navy: The American Privateering Business as Practiced by Baltimore during the War of 1812. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press for Mystic Seaport, 1977.

Gilbert, Geoffrey N. “Baltimore’s Flour Trade to the Caribbean, 1750-1815.” Journal of Economic History 37 (1977): 249-51.

——————-. “Maritime Enterprise in the Early Republic: Investment in Baltimore Shipping, 1789-1793.” Business History Review 58 (1984): 14-29.

Gilchrist, David T., ed. The Growth of Seaport Cities 1790-1840. University of Virginia Press, 1967.

Gilje, Paul A. “The Baltimore Riots of 1812 and the Breakdown of the Anglo-American Mob Tradition.” Journal of Social History 13 (1980): 547-64.

————-. “‘Le Menu Peuple’ in America: Identifying the Mob in the Baltimore Riots of 1812.” Maryland Historical Magazine 81 (Spring 1986): 50-66.

Goldenberg, Joseph A. Shipbuilding in Colonial America. Charlottesville: Publication for the Mariner’s Museum, Newport News, VA by the UVA Press, 1976.

Goldin, Claudia D. Urban Slavery in the American South, 1820-1860, A Quantatative Study. Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1976. See Fields comments. [MSU (Davis Rm & regular): E 449.G63]

Gould, Clarence P. “The Economic Causes of the Rise of Baltimore.” Essays in Colonial History Presented to Charles McLean Andrews by his Students. Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, Inc., 1966, pp. 225-51.

Grimsted, David. “Rioting in its Jacksonian Setting.” American History Review 77 (April 1972).

Guilday, Peter. The Life and Times of John Carroll, Archbishop of Baltimore, 1735-1815. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1954.

Hancock, Joseph E. “The Baltimore Clipper and the Story of an Old Baltimore Shipbuilder.” Maryland Historical Magazine 30 (June 1935): 138-49.

Harvey, Katherine A. “William Alexander: A Commission Merchant in a New Role, 1837-43.” Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (Spring 1976): 26-36.

Harwood, Herbert H., Jr. Impossible Challenge: The B&O Railroad in Maryland. Baltimore: Barnard, Roberts & Co., Inc., 1979.

Hayward, Mary Ellen. “Urban Vernacular Architecture in Nineteenth Century Baltimore.” WinterthurPortfolio 16 (Spring 1981): 33-63.

Hicks, Helena S. “The Black Apprentice in Maryland Court Records from 1661 to 1865.” Ph.D., UMCP, 1988. [no search done]

Jacob, Kathryn Allamong. “The Women of Baltimore Town: A Social History, 1729-1797.” M.A. GWU, 1975.

———————–. “The Woman’s Lot in Baltimore Town, 1729-97. Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (1976): 283-95.

Johnson, Keach. “The Genesis of the Baltimore Iron Works.” Journal of Southern History 19 (1953): 157-79.

Johnson, Phebe R. William Paca: A Biography. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1976.

Katz, Francis R. “The Imitative Vocation: Painters, Draughtsmen, Teachers and Possibilities for Visual Expression in Early Nineteenth-Century Baltimore.” Ed.D., Columbia University Teacher’s College, 1986. [copy in BCLM MRC]

Killick, John. “Risk, Specializations and Profit in the Mercantile Sector of the 19th Century Cotton Trade: Alex. Brown & Sons, 1820-1860.” Business History 16 (January 1974): 1-16.

Kulikoff, Allan. Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern Cultures in the Chesapeake, 1680-1800. University of North Carolina Press, 1986. [EPFL: HC 107.A12 K85 1986]

Lancaster, Kent R. “Green Mount: The Introduction of the Rural Cemetery into Baltimore.” Maryland Historical Magazine 74 (1979): 62-79.

Land, Aubrey C. Colonial Maryland: A History. Millwood, NY: KTO Press, 1981. [Brugger: “stands as the authoritative textbook.”]

————–, Lois G. Carr and Edward C. Papenfuse, eds. Law, Society, and Politics in Early Maryland. Baltimore: JHU Press, 1974.

Livingood, James Weston. The Philadelphia-Baltimore Trade Rivalry 1780-1860. Harrisburg, PA: Historical and Museum Commission, 1947.

Luce, Ray W. “The Cohen Brothers of Baltimore: From Lotteries to Banking.” Maryland Historical Magazine 68 (1973): 288-308.

Mannard, Joseph G. “The 1839 Baltimore Nunnery Riot: An Episode in Jacksonian Nativism and Social Violence.” Maryland Historian (Spring 1980): 13-27.

Marks, Bayly Ellen. “Rural Response to Urban Penetration: Baltimore and St. Mary’s County, Md, 1790-1840. Journal of Historical Geography 8 (April 1982): 113-27.

Martin, Waldo E. The Mind of Frederick Douglass. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984.

McDonald, Lawrence H. “Prelude to Emancipation: The Failure of the Great Reaction in Maryland, 1831-1850.” Ph.D., UMCP, 1974. [no search done]

Middleton, Arthur Pierce. Tobacco Coast: A Maritime History of the Chesapeake Bay in the Colonial Era. Newport News, VA: The Mariner’s Museum, 1959.

Morris, Richard B. “Labor Controls in Maryland in the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of Southern History 14 (1948), 385-400. [Suppression of Blacks by Baltimore City Jail, 1831-93.]

Mowll, Jack Usher. “The Economic Development of Eighteenth Century Baltimore.” Ph.D., JHU, 1954.

Mullaly, Franklin R. “The Battle of Baltimore.” Maryland Historical Magazine 54 (1959): 61-103.

Myers, Susan H. “Marketing American Pottery” Maulden Perine in Baltimore.” Winterthur Portfolio 19 (Spring 1984): 51-66.

Neils, Kathleen Mary. “Trade Relations Between Bremen and Baltimore during the 1830s.” M.A., University of Delaware, 1966.

Norman, Joseph Gary. “Eighteenth Century Wharf Construction in Baltimore, Maryland.” M.A., The College of William and Mary, 1987.

Overmyer, Grace. “The Baltimore Mobs and John Howard Payne.” Maryland Historical Magazine 58 (1963): 54-61.

Pancake, John S. “Baltimore and the Embargo, 1807-1809.” Maryland Historical Magazine 47 (1952): 173-87.

Papenfuse, Edward C. In Pursuit of Profit: The Annapolis Merchants in the Era of the American Revolution, 1763-1805. Baltimore: JHU Press, 1975.

Papenfuse, Edward C and Joseph M. Coale III, Papenfuse, Edward C and Joseph M. Coale III.. Baltimore: JHU Press, 2003.

Pearce, John N. “The Early Baltimore Potters and their Wares, 1763-1850.” M.A., Univ. of Delaware, 1959.

Perkins, Edwin J. “Financing Antebellum Importers: The Role of Brown Bros. & Co. in Baltimore.” Business History Review 45 (1971): 421-51.

Pleasants, J. Hall and Howard Green. Baltimore Furniture: The Work of Baltimore and Annapolis Cabinetmakers from 1760 to 1810. Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1947.

Preston, Dickson J. Young Frederick Douglass: The Maryland Years. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980.

Quarles, Benjamin. Frederick Douglass. New York: Atheneum, 1974.

Quinn, Arthur Hobson. Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography. New York: D. Appleton- Century, 1941.

Quinn, Daniel B., ed. Early Maryland in a Wider World. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1982.

Raley, Robert L. “The Baltimore Country House, 1785-1815.” M.A., University of Delaware, 1959.

Ridgway, Whitman H. “Community Leadership: Baltimore During the First and Second Party Systems.” Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (1976): 334-48.

——————. Community Leadership in Maryland; 1790-1840: A Comparative Analysis of Power in Society. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979.[Contrasts Baltimore to several counties; traces political shift from “merchant oligarchy” to “polyarchy.”]

Risjord, Norman K. Chesapeake Politics 1781-1800. New York: Columbia University Press, 1978.

Ritchey, Robert David. A Guide to the Baltimore Stage in the Eighteenth Century: A History and Day Book Calendar. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982.

Rockman, Seth. Scraping By. Wage Labor, Slavery, and Survival in Early Baltimore. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. (see his essay on sources).

Rosenwaike, Ira. “The Jews of Baltimore: 1810-1820.” American Jewish Historical Quarterly 67 (1977): 101-24.

Rubin, Julius. Canal or Railroad? Imitation and Innovation in the Response to the Erie Canal in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston. Transactions of the American Phil. Society, vol. 51, pt. 7. Philadelphia, 1961.

Rushford, Martin Sidney. “A Social Study of the Irish in Baltimore, 1813-58.” M.A., Catholic University of America, 1983.

Rutter, Frank R. “The South American Trade of Baltimore.” Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science 15 (1987).

Sharrar, G. Terry. Flour Milling and the Growth of Baltimore, 1750-1830.” Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (1976): 322-33.

—————–. “The Merchant-Millers: Baltimore’s Flour Milling industry 1783-1860.” Agricultural History 56 (1982): 138-50.

Sheads, Scott S. The Rockets’ Red Glare: The Maritime Defense of Baltimore in 1814. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1987.

Sheller, Tina H. “Artisans, Manufacturing, and the Rise of a Manufacturing Interest in Revolutionary Baltimore Town.” Maryland Historical Magazine 83 (Spring 1988): 3-17. [Rise of merchant/artisan period 1770s-1780s. She should also have a dissertation about artisans in Revolutionary Baltimore–but no search done.]

—————. “The Origins of Public Education in Baltimore, 1825-1829.” History of Education Quarterly 22 (1982): 23-42.

Sherman, Philip. “Baltimore’s Jew Alley.” Generations 21 (December 1981): 43-46.

Shields, Sara Sue. “A Mirror for Society: The Theater in Annapolis and Baltimore, 1752- 1800.” M.A., Georgetown University, 1975.

Steffen, Charles G. “Changes in the Organization of Artisan Production in Baltimore, 1790- 1820.” William and Mary Quarterly 36 (1979): 101-17.

——————. The Mechanics of Baltimore: Politics in the Age of Revolution, 1763-1812. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1984.

Stickle, Douglas F. “Death and Class in Baltimore: The Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1800.” Maryland Historical Magazine 74 (September 1979): 282-99.

Sullivan, David K. “William Lloyd Garrison in Baltimore, 1829-1830.” Maryland Historical Magazine 68 (1973): 64-79.

Vicchio, Stephen J. “Baltimore’s Burial Practices, Mortuary Art and Notions of Grief and Bereavement, 1780-1900.” Maryland Historical Magazine 81 (1986): 134-48.

Votto, LeRoy. “Social Dynamics in a Boom Town: The Scots-Irish in Baltimore, 1760-1790.” M.A., University of Virginia, 1969.

Wade, Richard C. Slavery in the Cities: The South, 1820-1860. NY: Oxford U Press, 1964. [Argues that mid-19th C urban conditions undermined slavery and later brought forth segregation as a way to govern race relations. [DK copy]

Wainright, Nicholas B., ed. A Philadelphia Perspective: The Diary of Sidney George Fisher Covering the Years 1834-1871. Philadelphia: The HSP, 1967.

Walker, Paul Kent. “Business and Commerce in Baltimore on the Eve of Independence.” Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (1976): 296-309.

Weekley, Carolyn J. and others. Joshua Johnson: Freeman and Early American Portrait Painter. The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center and the MHS, 1987. Includes essay on black life in Baltimore, 1790s-1820s. [EPFL: ND 237.J75W4 1975q]

Wentworth, Jean. “‘Not Without Honor’: William Lloyd Garrison.” Maryland Historical Magazine 62 (1967): 318-319.

Wheeler, William Bruce. “The Baltimore Jeffersonians, 1788-1800: A Profile in Intra-actional Conflict.” Maryland Historical Magazine 66 (1971): 153-68.

Windham, Joseph E. “Bondage, Bias and the Bench: An Historical Analysis of Maryland Court

ofAppeals Cases Involving Blacks, 1830-1860.” Ph.D., Howard University, 1990. [no search done]

Wright, James M. The Free Negro in Maryland, 1634-1860. New York: Octagon Books, n.d.

Yeatman, Joseph L. “Baltimore Literary Culture, 1815-1840.” Ph.D., UM, 1983.

Zimmer, Roxanne Marie. “The Urban Daily Press, Baltimore, 1791-1816.” Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1982.

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