[photo, Andrew P. Harris, U.S. Representative (Maryland)] ANDREW P. HARRIS, M.D. (Republican), U.S. Representative, 1st Congressional District (Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester & Somerset counties; & parts of Baltimore, Carroll & Harford counties), Maryland

Capitol Hill:
1536 Longworth House Office Building, 15 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5311; fax: (202) 225-0254

Bel Air:
15 East Churchville Road, Suite 102B, Bel Air, MD, 21014
(410) 588-5670; fax: (410) 588-5673

Member of U.S. House of Representatives since January 5, 2011. Member, Appropriations Committee, 2013- (commerce, justice, science, & related agencies subcommittee, 2013-15; legislative branch subcommittee, 2013-15; labor, health & human services, education, & related agencies subcommittee, 2013-; homeland security subcommittee, 2015-18, 2023-; chair, agriculture, rural development, food & drug administration, & related agencies subcommittee, 2023-, member, 2015-). Member, Natural Resources Committee, 2011-13; Science, Space and Technology Committee, 2011-13 (chair, energy & environment subcommittee, 2011-12; chair, environment subcommittee, 2013); Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, 2011-13; Select Investigative Panel, Committee on Energy and Commerce, 2015-16. Member, Congressional Chesapeake Bay Watershed Caucus, 2011-; Congressional General Aviation Caucus, 2011-; Congressional Hungarian Caucus, 2011-; GOP Doctors Caucus, 2011-; Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, 2011-; Republican Israel Caucus, 2011-; Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, 2011-; Congressional Chicken Caucus, 2015-; Congressional Coal Caucus, 2015-. Chair, House Freedom Caucus, 2024- (member, 2015-).

Member, State Senate, representing District 9 (Baltimore County, 1999-2003) and District 7 (Baltimore County & Harford County, 2003-11), January 13, 1999 to January 5, 2011. Member, Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, 1999-2011 (health subcommittee, 1999-2011; licensing & regulatory affairs subcommittee, 2003-04; alcoholic beverages subcommittee, 2003-11, chair, 2003-06; member, ethics & election law subcommittee, 2008-11); Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 1999-2011; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2003; Executive Nominations Committee, 2003-06. Minority Whip, 2003-06. Member, Taxpayers Protection Caucus, 2003-11; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2004-11. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (redistricting & elections committee, 2005-11).

Member, Task Force to Study Health Care Needs of Inmates in Transition from Correctional Institutions, 2000-02; Task Force to Study the Availability of Audiology and Speech-Language Services, 2003; Governor's Task Force on Medical Malpractice and Health Care Access, 2004; Statewide Commission on the Shortage in the Health Care Workforce, 2006-08.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, January 25, 1957. Resident of Cockeysville, Maryland. College of Arts and Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, B.S. (human biology), 1977; School of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, M.D., 1980; School of Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, M.H.S. (health policy & management; health finance & management), 1995. Served in Medical Corps, U.S. Naval Reserve (Lt. Commander, 1988-94; Commander, 1994-2010). Commanding Officer, The Johns Hopkins Naval Reserve Medical Unit, 1989-92. Former Anesthesiologist. Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, and Chief of Obstetric Anesthesiology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Member, Society of Anesthesiology (obstetric anesthesia subcommittee), 1993-94; Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, 1996-. Executive Committee, Maryland-D.C. Society of Anesthesiologists, 1997-. Medical School Council, The Johns Hopkins University, 1996-. Member, Knights of Columbus; Thornleigh Neighborhood Improvement Association (vice-president, 1984-85; president, 1985-86). Board of Directors, Sherwood Community Association, 1987-91. Vice-President, St. Joseph's School Home-School Association, 1992-94. Board of Directors, Maryland Leadership Council, 1995-98. Member, North Central Republican Club (treasurer, 1997-98; vice-president, 1998). Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 2004, 2016, 2024. Board of Directors, University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center. Laughlin Award for Distinguished Public Officer, Maryland State Medical Society, 2001. Top Doc Award, Baltimore Magazine, 2007. Hero of the Taxpayer Award, Maryland Taxpayers Association, 2008. Woodrow Wilson Award for Distinguished Government Service, The Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association, 2011. Guardian of Small Business Award, National Federation of Independent Business, 2012. Manufacturing Legislative Excellence Award, National Association of Manufacturers, 2015. Friend of the Farm Bureau Award, Maryland Farm Bureau, 2017. Friend of the Farm Bureau, American Farm Bureau Foundation, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Married; five children, seven grandchildren.

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