Former Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County.
Liberty University, B.S.; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D. Law clerk, Frederick County Circuit Court, 1997-98. Admitted to Maryland Bar; Virginia Bar; District of Columbia Bar. Associate Attorney, Pasternak & Fidis, P.C., 1998-2002. Senior Attorney/Special Counsel, Strickler, Sachitano & Hatfield, P.A., 2002-07. Founder and owner, Jennifer Fairfax, LLC, 2008-23. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, Montgomery County Bar Association. Fellow, Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorneys. (past member, board of trustees; past vice-president). Author, The Adoption Law Handbook: Practice, Resources and Forms for Family Law Professionals (2011). Excellence in Leadership Award, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2014. President's Award, 2016, and Fellow of Distinction Award, 2023, American Academy of Adoption Attorneys.
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