C. Kevin Combs, Chair (chosen by Governor), 2018

Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Philip A. Dacey, Esq.; Dalene M. Drum; Robert L. Hanson; Christina N. Lentz; Michael E. Pryor; six vacancies. Terms expire 2015.

Eraina D. Hill, 2021; Donna M. Rowlette, 2021; Wanika B Fisher, 2024; Michele C. Fleming, 2024; Lastelshia Speaks, 2025.

Appointed by Senate President: Mary L. Washington, Ph.D.

Appointed by House Speaker: Emily K. Shetty

Appointed by Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Maryland: Robert J. Bruchalski; Karen Lista; one vacancy.

Ex officio: Stuart M. Nathan, designee of Attorney General; Katie Olson Savage, Secretary of Information Technology; Dorothy J. Lennig, Esq., Executive Director, Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, & Victim Services; James P. Lynch, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice, University of Maryland, College Park; Adam R. Flasch, Director, Governor's Office of Homeland Security.

Staff: Karen Sullivan

P. O. Box 5743
c/o Information Technology & Communications Division
Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services
6776 Reisterstown Road, Suite 200, Pikesville, MD 21282 - 5743
(410) 585-3185; fax: (410) 318-6004
customer service: (410) 764-4501; 1-888-795-0011 (toll free)

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly on interoperability due Dec. 1 (Chapter 447, Acts of 2005; Code Criminal Procedure Article, sec. 10-210).

The Criminal Justice Information Advisory Board was established by the General Assembly in 1976 (Chapter 239, Acts of 1976).

The Board advises the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services and the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals about the Criminal Justice Information System. The Board monitors development, operation, and maintenance of the System, and recommends procedures for using criminal history record information in the research, evaluation, and analysis of crime. Since July 2005, the Board also provides advice concerning standards, procedures, and protocols that ensure the compatibility and interoperability of those communication and information management systems maintained by the Judiciary and those maintained by public safety agencies in the State (Chapter 447, Acts of 2005).

For the Criminal Justice Information System, the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services and the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals adopt rules and regulations. These govern the collection, reporting, and release of criminal history record information by the courts and other criminal justice agencies; ensure security for the System and all criminal history record information; and control the dissemination of such information consistent with federal law and regulations.

Any person may inspect his or her own criminal history record information as maintained by a criminal justice agency. Rules and regulations of the Criminal Justice Information System specify how to inspect and challenge criminal history record information, and have errors corrected.

For budgetary and administrative purposes, the Board is within the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Under the Department, the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository collects, stores, and disseminates criminal history record information. Every criminal justice agency must report criminal history record information to the Repository.

The Board consists of twenty-five members. Fourteen members are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor; three by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals; one by the Senate President; and one by the House Speaker. Six serve ex officio (Code Criminal Procedure Article, secs. 10-207 through 10-210).

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