Ex officio: Helene T. Grady, Secretary of Budget & Management; Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce; Serena C. McIlwain, Secretary of the Envisonment; Jacob R. Day, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Katie Olson Savage, Secretary of Information Technology; Paul J. Wiedefeld, Secretary of Transportation.
State House, Annapolis, Maryland, July 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In January 2022, the Governor formed the Governor's Subcabinet on Infrastructure (Executive Order 01.01.2022.01).
The Subcabinet is to meet regularly to develop, evaluate, and coordinate a cohesive infrastructure strategy that leverages additional federal funding from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-58).
Seven members constitute the Subcabinet. Six serve ex officio, and the Governor's Deputy Chief of Staff serves as Chair.
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