Ex officio: Serena C. McIlwain, Secretary of the Environment; Jacob R. Day, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Rebecca L. Flora, Secretary of Planning; Paul J. Wiedefeld, Secretary of Transportation; Y. Maria Martinez, Special Secretary of Small, Minority, & Women Business Affairs.
World Trade Center (a pentagonal building), 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland, February 2008. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
c/o Office of Secretary, Department of Commerce
World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3316
(443) 324-0861
e-mail: harry.coker@maryland.gov
In October 2015, the Commerce Subcabinet was created by the General Assembly (Chapter 141, Acts of 2015; Code State Government Article, secs. 9-3102 through 9-3104).
The Subcabinet meets monthly to advise the Governor on how to enhance the State's business climate; gather information to promote its goals; and for collaboration on facilitating and expediting critical economic development projects in Maryland.
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