Ex officio: Helene T. Grady, Secretary of Budget & Management; Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce; Atif T. Chaudhry, Secretary of General Services; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Adam R. Flasch, Director, Governor's Office of Homeland Security; Natalie Evans Harris, State Chief Data Officer; Jason Silva, Acting State Chief Information Security Officer; Caterina W. Pangilinan, State Chief Privacy Officer; Nishant Shah, Senior Advisor for Responsible Artificial Intelligence.
100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland, July 2016. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
c/o Office of Secretary, Department of Information Technology
100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD 21032
(410) 697-9401; fax: (410) 260-4080
As defined by federal statute and Maryland law, artificial intelligence (AI) is a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. Artificial intelligence systems use machine- and human-based information to perceive real and virtual environments; abstract such perceptions into models through analysis in an automated manner; and use model inference to formulate options for information or action (Chapter 496, Acts of 2024; 15 U.S. Code, sec. 9401(3)).
The Governor's Artificial Intelligence Subcabinet promotes the principles set forth in the Governor's Executive Order among all units of State government. These principles relate to fairness and equity; innovation; privacy; safety, security, and resiliency; validity and reliability; and transparency, accountability, and explainability. It also is charged to provide advice and recommendations to the Governor on matters related to AI. In addition, the Subcabinet will facilitate statewide coordination on the responsible, ethical and productive use of AI by recommending approaches and State policies, setting objectives and priorities, structuring workstreams, establishing work groups, and building internal and external partnerships as needed.
AI Action Plan. An AI Action Plan is to be devised by the Governor's Artificial Intelligence Subcabinet that takes a phased approach to setting the State's Al principles into operation. The Plan will draw upon emerging and established guidance such as the AI Risk Management Framework of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, while acknowledging that global best practices and standards in AI governance are still being formulated and evolving. At a minimum, the Plan will define a path to establish policies, processes, standards, contracts, and playbooks that ensure any AI tools procured by the State adhere to AI principles. It will develop an approach and timeline to embed risk-based assessments for Al tools into State processes; move towards continuous monitoring of AI tools to ensure they continue to reflect the State's adopted values; and conduct legal analyses on an ongoing basis to evaluate how evolving AI impacts existing laws, policies, and regulations.
Promotion of AI Knowledge, Skills, & Talent in State Government. In order to improve the skills of State employees and ensure access to needed AI talent, the Governor's Artificial Intelligence Subcabinet will find, evaluate, and offer training programs for State workers on the use of AI, particularly Generative AI. It also will explore ways to offer those in academic institutions or industry, an opportunity to serve Marylanders and State government agencies via targeted, short-term projects.
Recommendations for Critical Domains. Over time, AI may have particular influence and impact on certain sectors of Maryland's economy, environment, and society. The Governor's Artificial Intelligence Subcabinet is to oversee and coordinate efforts to study and provide recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly for Maryland-specific approaches in critical domains, such as workforce, economic development, and security.
Identification of AI Use Cases & Build Foundational Infrastructure. The Department of Information Technology shall evaluate relevant infrastructure to safely, securely, and efficiently test AI proofs of concept (PoCs) and pilot projects. In consultation with the Governor's Artificial Intelligence Subcabinet, the Department of Information Technology will work with interested agencies to provide support in identifying and prioritizing use cases and executing proofs of concepts and pilot projects for key areas in line with the Governor's priorities. In close consultation and partnership with the Department of Information Technology, the Department of General Services, shall create a repeatable playbook for running and procuring AI proofs of concepts and pilot projects in compliance with applicable State laws, regulations, and policies.
Ten ex officio members constitute the Subcabinet. The Secretary of Information Technology serves as Chair.
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