Ex officio: Sam J. Abed, Secretary of Juvenile Services; Stephen T. Moyer, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Col. William M. Pallozzi, Secretary of State Police; Kevin G. Seaman, M.D., Executive Director, Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems.
Staff: Sara Cherico-Hsii
c/o Maryland Health Quality & Cost Council
Office of Secretary, Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Herbert R. O'Conor State Office Office Building, 201 West Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-5660
e-mail: sara.cherico@maryland.gov
In June 2014, the Governor established the Governor's Overdose Prevention Council as a subcabinet within the Governor's Office (Executive Order 01.01.2014.12).
The Council advised and assisted the Governor in establishing a coordinated statewide strategy to reduce fatal and nonfatal unintentional overdoses in Maryland. To improve sharing of public health and public safety information relating to the opioid overdose epidemic, the Council recommended policies, regulations, and legislation. Further, a statewide plan to reduce overdoses was to be developed by the Council that provided for the sharing of information and data by State agencies, and the analysis of data for trends and to target prevention efforts. The plan would expand access and remove barriers to treatment and recovery services for opoid users; find means for treatment for persons who have overdosed; and emphasize treatment over enforcement consistent with the Good Samaritan Law (Chapter 401, Acts of 2014).
In February 2015, the Council was abolished by Executive Order 01.01.2015.13, which also created the Governor's Inter-Agency Heroin and Opioid Coordinating Council.
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