[photo, Ronald L. Watson, Maryland State Senator] RONALD L. WATSON, Ph.D.
Democrat, District 23, Prince George's County

Member of Senate since August 31, 2021. Member, Education, Energy and the Environment Committee, 2023- (education subcommittee, 2023-; energy subcommittee, 2023-); Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Biotechnology, 2023-; Joint Committee on Ending Homelessness, 2023-; Spending Affordability Committee, 2024-. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2021-22; Program Approval Process Workgroup, 2023-24. Vice-Chair, Prince George's County Delegation, 2023-. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2021-; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2021- (senate executive board, 2022-).

Member, Task Force to Study the Maryland Orphans’ Courts, 2021; Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup, 2024-; Workgroup to Study Issuance of Alcoholic Beverage Licenses to Tobacconists, 2024-.

Member of House of Delegates, January 9, 2019 to August 2021. Resigned August 2021. Member, Judiciary Committee, 2019-21 (family law subcommittee, 2019-20; juvenile law subcommittee, 2019-20; civil law & procedure subcommittee, 2021; family & juvenile law subcommittee, 2021); Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Biotechnology, 2019-21. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2019-21.

Member, Board of Education, Prince George's County, 2006-10 (past vice-chair). Member, Blue Ribbon Commission on Addressing Prince George's County's Structural Deficit, 2015-17.

Member, Task Force on the Establishment of Vocational and Technical Education High School Academies in Prince George's County, 2007-08; Task Force on Student Physical Fitness in Maryland Public Schools, 2008-09.

Born in Washington, D.C., April 30, 1966. Attended Central Senior High School, Capitol Heights, Maryland; Morgan State University, B.S. (electrical engineering), 1991. Binghamton University, M.S. (advanced technology), 1993, Ph.D. (systems science), 1999; George Washington University, M.B.A., 2002. Served in U.S. Army Reserves, 1989-2006 (major). Command General Staff College, U.S. Army, 2004. Program Manager, Business Development, Lockheed Martin Mission Systems, 1996-99. Project Manager/Portfolio Manager, IBM Global Services, 1999-2002; Manager, Certified Executive Program, 2002-03. Director, Process Management Programs, MCR, 2003-04. President and Senior Program Manager, Watson Management Corporation, 2004 -. Leadership Maryland, 2008. Board of Directors, Greater Bowie Chamber of Commerce, 2017-; Bowie State University Foundation, 2017-. Member, Disney-Bell Post no. 66, Bowie, American Legion; Prince George's County Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Prince Hall Masons; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Member, First Baptist Church of Glenarden. Married; three children, one grandchild.

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