Member, Maryland Veterans Trust, 2023-; Solar Photovoltaic Systems Recovery, Reuse, and Recycling Working Group, 2023-.
Born in Detroit, Michigan, February 1964. Attended Hillcrest High School, Sumter, South Carolina; New Hanover High School, Wilmington, North Carolina. Served in U.S. Army, 1986-2015 (retired colonel). Board of Directors, Military Officers Association of America, 2012-18. Board of Directors, Russet Community Home Owners Association, 2014-15. Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion Post no. 276, Severn, Maryland. Member, National Contract Management Association. Member, ROCKS, Inc.; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; Knights of Columbus; Prince Hall Masons. President, Parent-Teacher-Student Association, Meade Senior High School, Fort Meade, Maryland. Football coach, Severn Athletic Club. Two children.
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