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Formal sciences focus on abstract structures and thought, such as mathematics and statistics.

Mathematics is the study of numbers and space.

The Center for Mathematics Education at the University of Maryland, College Park develops new approaches to mathematics programs and teacher education.

Formed in 1933, the Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics offers professional development and support to its members.

The Maryland-District of Columbia-Virginia Section of the Mathematical Association of America held its first meeting on March 3, 1917. It offers resources for professional development and advocate for mathematical sciences.

Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, and interpretation of numerical or quantitative data.

The Maryland Data Explorer of the Department of Commerce ranks and provides statistics on eight categories of life in Maryland: Education, Entrepreneurship, Government and Business Support, Income and Wealth, New Economy, Quality of Life, Research and Development, and Workforce.

Within the Maryland Department of Health, the Vital Statistics Administration keeps track of birth and death records, and compiles reports on population.

The Maryland Statistics section from the National Agricultural Statistics Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture contains surveys, newsletters, and reports on agricultural economics and production.

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