Search Online Databases
List of available online indexes and searchable databases.
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Archives of Maryland Online
- Historical documents that enable users to research topics on Maryland's constitutions and proceedings, session laws, proceedings of the General Assembly, governors' papers, military records and more.
Census Index
- Available census indexes: 1776, 1778, 1870, 1880
Documents for the Classroom
- Our Document Packets cover a variety of topics and eras in Maryland history, and are designed to bring primary sources into the curriculum. Online versions of original documents are available for use by teachers and students for lesson planning in elementary and secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities.
Early Settlers of Maryland
- The New Early Settlers of Maryland comprises 34,326 entries from Gust Skordas' Early Settlers of Maryland.
Government Publications
- Published sources, from annual and other department and agency reports to newsletters and press releases.
Guide to Government Records
- Finding aid created to assist users in their search for particular records such as birth, death, marriage, court, land, and legislative.
Legacy of Slavery Database
- Over 300,000 slave owners, enslaved and free individuals from 1830-1880.
Library Catalog
- Published records and sources on Maryland history, government, geography, and natural resources; municipals; regional studies; Chesapeake Bay; research guides and more.
Maryland Historical Magazine
- Original issues of the magazine have been scanned and made available online. An imaging project between Maryland Historical Society and the Archives.
Maryland Inventory Historical Properties
- Comprised of nearly 90,000 resources, composed of archaeological sites, building, structures, objects and survey districts.
Maryland Land Records
- Digital image retrieval system for land record in Maryland. Deeds, Mortgage and Deeds of Trust, and Land Records
Medicine in Maryland
- Marylanders who have worked in various medical occupations, including a list of hospitals and medical schools operating in Maryland between 1752-1920.
Mount Auburn Cemetery
- Cemetery of former slaves, clergymen, teachers, doctors, military veterans, and Civil Rights leaders as well as countless African-American families.
Niles' Register Cumulative Index
- Searchable index to The Weekly Register, Niles' Register and Niles' National Register on topics and articles from 1811-1849 in a weekly newspaper founded in Baltimore.
Plats and Surveys
- Land Survey, Subdivision, and Condominium Plats
PG County Freedom Records
- Over 18,000 index cards of free blacks and former owners listed in Prince George's County records.
Special Collections
- Finding aid of records acquired as gifts or deposits by private donors that consist of personal letters, diaries, organizational and religious records, newspapers, photographs, maps and documents.
St. Mary's County Career Files
- The Career Files consist of over 47,000 5x8 index cards and slips of paper, with both typewritten and handwritten research notes about over 6600 individuals.
Students and Teachers Resources
- Resources for use in the classroom, including primary source document packets, lesson plans, course syllabi, and electronic exhibits covering Maryland history.
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