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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 284   View pdf image
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(2) Methods for interagency collaboration at the State and local levels,
including outreach and cooperative efforts with employers and community
organizations that provide services for transitioning students;

(3) Methods to coordinate with school for success system reform efforts;

(4) Projections regarding the potential fiscal impact on the State if
services are phased in over 3 years as follows:

(i) In Fiscal Year 1997, for transitioning students with
developmental disabilities who leave school at age 18 and older;

(ii) In Fiscal Year 1998, for transitioning students who leave school
at age 18 and older who may require extended services through the Mental Hygiene
and Developmental Disabilities Administrations of the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene; and

(iii) In Fiscal Year 1999, for all transitioning students at the time
they leave school;

(5) State, local, and federal funding sources that would be needed to
finance transition services;

(6) A coordinated management system that focuses on the effective
delivery of transition services;

(7) Methods to ensure that transitioning students and families receive
training and support to become informed and active participants;

(8) Models for replication on the local level;

(9) Statewide systems to provide training and technical assistance on
best practices to the range of professionals who are critical to the effective transition
to the community of students with disabilities; and

(10) Interagency policies and initiatives needed to implement the plan.

(f) (1) Each county board shall transmit to the Department information
relating to the postsecondary anticipated services of the county's students with
disabilities between the ages of 14 and 21. The information shall be reported in the
manner required by the Department.

(2) The Department shall aggregate the information provided under
paragraph (1) of this subsection and forward the information annually to:

(i) The Mental Hygiene Administration of the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene;

(ii) The Developmental Disabilities Administration of the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; and

(iii) Other appropriate State adult services agencies; as determined
by the Department.


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 284   View pdf image
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