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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 283   View pdf image
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Article - Education


(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.

(2) "Plan" means the Interagency State Plan for Transitioning Students
with Disabilities.

(3) "Transition services" means a coordinated set of activities for a
student with a disability who meets the definition of a transitioning student that
promotes movement from school to postschool activities, including postsecondary
education, vocational training, integrated employment, supported employment, adult
services, independent living, and community participation.

(4) "Transitioning student" means a student with a disability who is
between the ages of 14 and 21 years who meets the eligibility criteria of the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or § 7 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act.

(b) There is an Interagency State Plan for Transitioning Students with
Disabilities that is within the Division of Rehabilitation Services of the Department.

(c) The Plan involves the collaborative efforts of the following units of State

(1) Within the Department:

(i) The Division of Special Education;

(ii) The Division of Rehabilitation Services; and

(iii) The Division of Career Technology and Adult Learning;

(2) Within the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene:

(i) The Developmental Disabilities Administration;

(ii) The Mental Hygiene Administration; and

(iii) The other relevant divisions;

(3) The Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation; and

(4) The Governor's Office for Individuals with Disabilities.

(d) The purpose of the Plan is to undertake changes in the structure, quality,
and availability of transition services available to transitioning students that will
effect broad improvement in the quality and delivery of the services.

(e) The Plan shall identify:

(1) A statewide assessment to identify the number, geographic location,
and needs of transitioning students in the State;


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 283   View pdf image
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