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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 285   View pdf image
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(3) The information under this section shall include, for each student:

(i) The student's current age;

(ii) The projected year of exit of the student from school;

(iii) Anticipated needs of the student;

(iv) The student's county of residence; and

(v) Any other information that the Department considers



Error: Purpose paragraph of bill being cured failed to accurately describe
the changes made by the bill.

Occurred: Chapter 266 (House Bill 770) of the Acts of 1998.
Article - Financial Institutions


(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.

(2) "Capital stock" includes both common and preferred stock.

(3) "Converting institution" means a national banking association, a
federal stock savings and loan association, or a federal stock savings bank.

(4) "Federal stock savings and loan association" means an institution
that is incorporated under federal law as a savings and loan association that has
authority to issue capital stock.

(5) "Federal stock savings bank" means an institution that is
incorporated under federal law as a savings bank that has authority to issue capital

(6) "National banking association" has the meaning stated in § l-101(o)
of this article.

(b) A converting institution that is located in this State may convert into a
commercial bank as provided by federal law and this section.

(c) (1) The converting institution shall meet the requirements of this title
for incorporation of a commercial bank.

(2) The procedures for incorporation may be modified as required by the
difference between incorporation and conversion.

(3) Pursuant to regulations adopted by the Commissioner, any interested
person may request that the Commissioner conduct a hearing regarding the


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 285   View pdf image
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