Volume 748, Page 574 View pdf image |
574 Evidence ag.t himself and y.e s.d Jn.o Sansbûry s.d he knew nothing relateing to y.e pmisses and therefore Could not Give Evidence therein The Other Evidences (viz) Hûgh Sherwood Edw.d Hambleton W.m Hambleton Edw.d Elliot Sen.r and W.m Leeds were by ûs Sworn and Examined Whose Depositions are herew.th retûrned And further as a Description of y.e Natûrall and Artificiall Boûnds of y.e s.d Land we Certifie That y.e point and Cove mentioned in y.e Severall Depositions to be y.e place where the first bounded Tree of Wades point did Stand (and ûpon which there now Stands a Low Spreading White Oake w.th a Leaf Like a Chesnûtt Tree which Tree the Severall Evidences doe declare ûpon their Oaths in the Tree that was ordered to be boûnded by Cap.t James Mûrphey and Mr Hûgh Sherwood being Almost Grown out we have Again bounded it anew) is y.e Cove at y.e head of w.ch Ennion Williams his Dwelling plantat.on is now Sitûated in a point made by y.e Division of y.e s.d Cove into two Branches And y.e point on which y.e s.d Bounded Tree Stands makes y.e Western Side of y.e Moûth of y.e Cove on which point Jn.o Hollinsworth mentioned in y.e Depositions did Live Which Land of Hollinsworth is Called Clay Barks and is now in y.e possession of Ennion Williams and as to y.e Second boûnded Tree of y.e s.d Land Called Wades point we Certifie that y.e Coûrse Exprest in y.e pattent to rûn from y.e first Bounded Tree to y.e Second is West North West and y.e Distance one hundred and twenty pches bût haveing Rûn y.e Coûrse as well as we Could w.th a Small Compass and Measûred y.e Distance we find that y.e Course from y.e first Tree to y.e Second is Considerably more Westernly and y.e Distance two hundred thirty and Some odd pches but Cannot tell Exactly for want of better Instrûments We had a fair platt thereof prodûced to ûs and made by Solomon Wright he was Sûrveyor of this Coûnty by which the Course Appears to be North 75 Degrees West and Distance between y.e two boûnded Trees two hundred Thirty and Six pches w.ch we believe to be right in rûnning y.e Line from y.e first boûnded Tree to y.e Second we came (att the End of ninety pches to the to y.e Moûth of a Cove being the Cove at y.e head of which Stands y.e old hoûses and Orch.d where Cap.t W.m Leeds in his Life time dwelt The S.d Cove divides att y.e head into two branches as y.e former Cove did and on y.e Western Side thereof now Stands Edw.d Leeds his Dwelling hoûse haveing Crossed y.e Moûth of y.e s.d Cove we rûn throûgh a Small point of Marsh which makes y.e Western Side of y.e Moûth of it and Aboût four pches from y.e Marsh y.e 120 pches mentioned in y.e Pattent Ends From thence we rûn throûgh Edw.d Leeds his pastûre to the head of a Small Marishy Gûlly w.ch makes oût of y.e bay and from thence to y.e Moûth of Another ^Swampy^ Marshy Gûlly at a litle Distance from y.e former at y.e Moûth of which Last Gûlly Stood y.e bounded pine |
Volume 748, Page 574 View pdf image |
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