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Chancery Court, Chancery Record, 1671-1712
Volume 748, Page 550   View pdf image
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To y.e   That the Depo.t was informed that a certain Stephen Harvey then
       the Factor & Agent of the s.d S.r John Rogers within this province did purchase the
       s.d ship Rogers with all her Gunns &c for the sum of one hundred Ninety seven pounds
       Nineteen shillings & Eleven pence

To y.e   That the s.d Stephen Harvey did draw seperate and distinct Bills of Exch.a upon
       the s.d S.r John Rogers for the af.d sum payable to the severall persons menconed
       in the said Condemnacon

To y.e   That the s.d BIlls of Exch were deliver'd to the s.d Dansey in full satisfaction
       for the said Ship Rogers

To the   That the s.d John Dansey did accept the s.d Bills of Exchange

To y.e   That this Depo.t hath heard that the s.d Bills were paid by the s.d S.r John
       Rogers to y.e s.d Danseys Order

To y.e   That the s.d Dansey upon his receiving the s.d Bills of Exch.a did permit
       the s.d Peters to load the s.d Ship Rogers as Ma.r thereof with Tobacco as he the
       s.d Danseys being then Collector as af.d

To y.e   That the s.d Peters Ma.r of the s.d Ship Rogers did load the same with Tob.o
       337 hh.ds as he the s.d Peters Ma.r of the s.d Ship Rogers inform'd this Depo.t and to his own
       knowledge by vertue of the permission & authority he had from the s.d Dansey Collector
      as af.d & Coll.o Lee Collector in Virginia he did proceed to load the same

To y.e Inter   he Saith not
To y.e   That this Depo.t hath heard Two Ships of Warr were in Virginia & ordered to
       Convoy to England all such Ships as were loaden and ready to saile out of Virginia
       and Maryland

To y.e   Saith not

To y.e   That the s.d Peters on or ab.t the of July 1703 or thereabouts did repaire
       to the Office of the s.d John Dansey Collector as af.d and then and there request and
       desire the s.d Dansey to Clear the s.d Ship Rogers pursuant to his the s.d Dansey's promise

To y.e   That the s.d John Dansey possitively refused to Clear the s.d Ship Rogers and
       further Saith not

To y.e   That the s.d Dansey refused to Clear the s.d Ship Rogers p.rtending he wants security
       for certain bills of Exch he had rec.d and negotiated a considerable time before
       in full Satisfaction for the s.d Ship Rogers after her Condemnacon as af.d

To y.e   That by reason of the s.d Dansey's refusing the Clearing the s.d Ship She was
       detained in the Countrey & lost the Convoy

To y.e   That the s.d Ship by reason of the s.d Danseys not Clearing her was very much
       damnified and her bottom Eaten out by the Worms and compelled to be new bottomed
       at the Charge of the s.d S.r John Rogers

To the Last   Saith not

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Chancery Court, Chancery Record, 1671-1712
Volume 748, Page 550   View pdf image
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