Volume 748, Page 543 View pdf image |
543 and the Line by him the s.d Benja menconed this Depo.t remembers very well that about 12 years since Mary Trundle be the Mother of the s.d Benja Thorley by a former husband held sev.rall times to ^her^ this Dep.t that y.t Line was the deviding Line between her and this Depo.ts Land (w.ch it was at that time) and this Depo.t further saith upon her s.d oath taken touching the bounds of the s.d Land late of W.m Sivick & between his part & that sometime the Land of Abraham Nailor that about 16 years since this Depo.t was shewed a Gum Tree with two fair old Notches w.ch this Depo.t saw one on each side by the af.d Mary Trundle which is now down but the stump placed to be seen and w.ch standeth about 30 yards or nigh so much to the Creekward of the Fork at the head of a small Branch w.ch s.d head comes a little below the Orchard on the s.d Nailors Land & told by her to this Deponant & said that she would swear to the same that the s.d Gum was one of the first Lined Trees between the s.d Sivicks Land & y.e s.d Nailors Land and further this Depo.t saith not her Susannah S Tracey Sworn before us the words Creekward mark being first interlined this 17.th day of Aprill Anno 1705 The Deposition of Jonathan Jones of Ann Arundell County Planter aged 32 years & a half touching the division between that part of Paschalls Purchase that was W.m Sivicks & y.t part of the same Land that was Abraham Nailors The Depo.t being duely sworn upon the holy Evangelist saith that he was put to hire with the s.d W.m Sivick as an Orphan Child very young not above 3 years old as this Depo.t has been informed & that he lives with the s.d Will.m Sivick upon the s.d Land during ^his^ the s.d Sivicks Life time w.ch was about Ten Years after this Depo.t went to live with him and that since & after the s.d William Sivicks Death this Depo.t continued upon the s.d Land during John Sivick his Son's life and after that until this Depo.t was 22 years old and this Depo.t very well remembers a marked Line to have passed from the Creek side into the Woods to the Westward and that that End towards Side leads to a bounded Locust and that that End into the Woods leads to a bounded Hiccory standing on the South Side of a hill that the s.d Line he hath often been informed by the s.d W.m Sivick was the dividing Line between him the s.d William and Abraham Nailor and that upon severall occasions this Depo.t by his s.d Maj.r Sivick has been ordered to fall Timber Trees near to the said Line upon W.m Sivicks side thereof & was never forbid to do the same either by the s.d Abraham Nailor nor by any other person Owners of the s.d Land during the time this Depo.t lived upon the same nor did this Depo.t know of any other bounds of the s.d Land to be between the said William Sivick and the s.d Abraham Nailor than what he hath above menconed until about five years |
Volume 748, Page 543 View pdf image |
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