Volume 748, Page 542 View pdf image |
542 Depositions for the Bounds of Paschalls Purchase for James Heath The Deposition of Benjamin Thorley now of Calvert County aged Twenty five Years or thereabouts The Depo.t being Sworn upon the Holy Evangelist saith y.t ab.t Ten or Twelve years since this Depo.ts Mother lived as Owner of y.e Land called Pagetts as she & this Depo.t were walking together near the head of a small Valley by an old Cole pitt upon a Point of Land upon Herring Creek near the Creek where ^there^ comes an Old Line to the Water side w.ch in all this Depo.ts remembrance was called the line between this Depo.ts Mother's s.d Land of Page and the Land of William Sivick this Depo.ts Mother told to him being ab.t y.e s.d Place & pointing with her hand towards y.e Creek side from the place where she stood said there stands the bounded Hiccory between Sivicks Land and mine & at the same time shewed this Depo.t two lined Trees one of w.ch is a stooping white oak standing close by the Creek side & hanging over it and the other being also a White Oake near (as may be guessed) upon one hundred yards distance betwixt w.ch Trees she said the s.d Hiccory stood And this Depo.t saith that tho he intended yet he never since did go to look for the s.d Tree until being now requested this Day to wit the 17.th day of April 1705 and going as near to the s.d place where he was at the time his Mother told him as afd he went from thence as strictly as he could according to her directions and he now finds within a Yard or two of the place where he believes she meant to stand a small new bounded Hiccory but seems to be dead and w.ch stands from the s.d Creek side about or nigh upon twenty yards as he supposes and further this Depo.t saith not his Sworn before us y.e words the Line between Benja S Thorley being first interlined this 17.th day of April Anno 1705 Josias Twogood Jn.o Blackmore The Deposition of Susannah Wife of Thomas Tracy and Relict of John Sivick dec.d and son of W.m Sivick also dec.d aged 36 years or thereabouts This Depo.t being sworn upon the Holy Evangelist saith that this Day to wit the 17.th day of Aprill 1705 she this Def.t was in company with Benjamin Thorley when he gave in his Deposition concerning a bounded Hiccory between the Land called Paget and the Land formerly of the s.d William Sivick as she was allso with him the same day before when he was to view the Line between the s.d Lands and the place where he said his Mother had told him the s.d Hiccory stood (and) |
Volume 748, Page 542 View pdf image |
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