Volume 748, Page 538 View pdf image |
738 Anne by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland Queen Defd.r of the Faith &c To Thomas Tracy of Ann Arundell County Planter & Susannah his Wife & to all others to whom these p.rsents shall come or any will come Greeting Know y.e that whereas James Heath of the s.d County of AA.ll Gen.t hath lately exhibited his Bill of Compl.t in our high Court of Chancery before John Legmour Esq.r our Cap.t Gen.ll Gov.r in Chief & Keeper of our Great Seal of our Province of Maryland setting forth that heretofore that our ^heretofore^ one John Stinck late of the s.d County dec.d being seized in Fee Simple of two hundr.d Acres of Land in the s.d County being part of a Tract of Three Hundred Acres originally taken up by one Edw.d Selby called Pascalls Purchase made his last Will & Testam.t in Writing whereby he devised in the s.d Two Hundred acres unto Susannah his Wife and her heirs who afterwards intermarried with one Augustine Hawkins who in some time afterward dyed after whose decease the s.d Susannah by the Name of Susannah Hawkins sold out of the s.d Two hundred Acres unto one John Willson of the s.d County Eighty five Acres with Generall Warranty and unto one Jonathan jones forty Acres and afterwards the s.d Susannah having intermarryed with one Thomas Tracy he the s.d Tracy & y.e s.d Susannah his Wife Sold & Conveyed likewise unto one Christopher Vernon of the said County thirty Acres more of the s.d Two hundred Acres and afterwards also unto the s.d Jonathan Jones they the s.d Tho.s Tracy & the s.d Susannah his Wife Conveyed more out of the said Two hundred Acres unto the s.d Susannah but Twenty four Acres or thereabouts according to the originall survey that some time afterwards upon a Resurvey had and made upon the s.d Paschalls Purchase it appeared that of the said Eighty five Acres so as af.d sold by the s.d Susannah unto the s.d John Willson there was the Quantity of about forty or fifty Acres cleare out of the Bounds of the original Tract and Run into certain Lands belonging to the s.d James whereas upon the s.d Willson threatning the s.d Susannah from whom in her Deed to him of the Eighty five Acres he had a firm General Warranty (that the s.d Susannah) her s.d husband Thomas Tracy being upon Account of several Debts due from him in this province absented (and not to be heard of) applyed herself to the s.d James setting forth the miserable Condicon she was in being left destitute of substance with severall small helpless Children praying that the s.d James would Commiserate her Condicon & so interpose between her and the s.d Willson to whom she was obliged to make good Eighty five Acres of Land as to p.rvent her being molested by him on Acco.t of the s.d Warranty by setting the s.d Willson enjoy the Eighty five Acres so as afores.d by the s.d Susannah sold him and proposed to the s.d James in |
Volume 748, Page 538 View pdf image |
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