Volume 748, Page 432 View pdf image |
432 I Eliz Lockwood will if need required give my Evidence as Foll (Viz.t) That Dan.ll Longman of West River being taken w.th Convolcon fitts one of his Servants came over to our house Desireing me to goe over to his Master accordingly I went and found w.th fitts as aforesd I imediately Sent up to Gabriell Parrotts to lett him know how bad Longman was and towards might came Downe Gabriell Juro.r and Susana Parrott and to my Certaine knowledge they brought Nothing w.th them but a Small Vyoll or Little round bottle of Brandy and about 4 or 5 Spoonfulls of Sugar and about as much Oatmeale and Some Small Matter of Spice this to my Certaine Rememberance was all that the aforesd Gabriel and Susana brought downe w.th them the man Remaineing unseinceable all the time they were there untell he Departed w.ch was about 16 or 18 Houres after I came there the man being Ded I Desired Susana to look out Such thing as was Convenient to lay y.e corps out w.th She replyd She was not acquainted where y.e Linnen lay and Desired me to do it and at her request I took y.e keyes and unlockt the chest where y.e Linne lay and took out things Convenient to lay y.e corps out with and when we had Shifted the corps we.d removed it to a large Etine chest and then return'd to that very chest I had the Linne of it of aforesd and w.th my owne hand took out of that very chest (and from amongst the aforesd Linen) one large fine Sheet and laid it Double over the Corps and this I am ready to Testifie if need requires as Wittness my hand this 26 of Jan.ry the 9.th Month 1699 her Eliz E Lockwood mark The above named Eliz Lockwood Declared in y.e P.rsence of Almighty god and before the Hono.ble Tho.s Tench Esq.r that the contents of the above paper are the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth Decem.r 6.th 1699 Coram me Thos Tench |
Volume 748, Page 432 View pdf image |
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