Volume 748, Page 433 View pdf image |
433 At a Court of Chancery held at Annapolis Aprill 15.° 1700 Present His Excell.cy y.e Gov.r Keeper of y.e great seal John Hamond & Esq.rs both of y.e Justices Thomas Tench Hon.rble Councill Causes John Biggan ag.t Geo Gray &c Whereas heretofore y.t is to say upon y.e 8.th day of Aprill An.° Dom 1699 John Biggar late of Calvert County Gent did exhibit his bill in this his Maj.ties high Court of Chancery shewing y.t he y.e s.d Biggar was perswaded by one Joakim Kierstead late of y.e s.d County decd (y.t is to say in y.e life time of y.e s.d Kierstead) in a bond with y.e penalty of seven The Decree hundred pounds lawfull Money of England with Condition to pay to one Marg.t Taney y.e younger two hundred pounds sterl & four good Negros on y.e day of y.e Marriage of y.e s.d Marg.t or of her arrivall to y.e age of 21 years & in y.e meantime to maintain y.e s.d Marg.t sutable to her birth by degree as also to pay unto one Edw.d Miles twenty five pounds sterl & one good Negro when y.e s.d Miles should arrive to y.e same age of 21 years And y.t y.e s.d Kierstead died afterwards before giving security (according to his promise in his life time to save harmless y.e s.d Biggar from y.e s.d bond leaving his Wife ^Margaret^ formerly y.e widow of Michael Taney Adm.rx of his Estate who is since married to one George Gray And inasmuchas y.e s.d Biggar farther sheweth in his s.d bill y.t y.e s.d Marg.t and George her now husband do still refuse to give security indemnify him y.e s.d Biggar from y.e s.d bond & do also emberel wast y.e estate of y.e s.d Kierstead decd & y.t he y.e s.d Biggar is in danger to be sued on y.e bond aforesaid Therefore this Court upon hearing y.e Matter in y.e s.d bill contained debated on both sides doth this 15.th day of Aprill An.° Dom.i 1700 sentence order Decree That before y.e next Court of Chancery for hearing of Cause y.e s.d George Gray & Marg.t his wife Adm.rs as afd (ag.t whom y.e s.d bill is brought) shall either give security to indemnify y.e Covinant from y.e s.d bond or else y.t y.e Court shall appoint fit persons to appraise & put into y.e hands of y.e s.d Compl.t much of y.e Defts estate as Adm.rs &c as shall secure y.e s.d Complain.t from damage by y.e s.d bond Of wch Decree y.e s.d Adm.rs are to take due Notice & to comply therewith at their perill Signed N Blakiston (loc) (mag) (sig)
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Volume 748, Page 433 View pdf image |
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