Volume 748, Page 372 View pdf image |
372) The Deposition of Thomas Mason Being sworn on y.e holy Evangelist declareth y.t y.e first bounded tree of Wyats 400 acres stood within four yards as near as can be guessed to y.e place where y.e aforesaid John Hollingsworth shewed us by y.e Report of y.e Neighbours & also y.e pine y.t is falled was reported y.e second bounded tree Did farther say y.t often worked under y.e tree while he was a servant to Cap.t Leeds And farther your Depon.t saith not Filed March y.e 16.th 1696/7 Recorded by John Freeman Regist.r in Chanc.ry Depositions of Witnesses touching Teats Lot Piny Point & Westmorland in behalf of Thomas Teat In obedience to a Comission to Me directed have this day taken y.e Deposition of Edward Pond here inclosed & likewise was with M.r Andrew Skinner but he being so aged doth not remember any such Land by him taken up althô y.e Patent doth shew it was taken up by him age having so banished it out of his Memory As also here is inclosed y.e Deposition of John Richardson of Pensilvania Given under my hand & seal y.e day & year abovesaid Tho Robins (loc) (sigil) Maryland ss Being upon a point of Land right opposite to y.e place where George Allumbys late of Talbot County decd his house did stand came Edw.d Pound of s.d County & province aged about Fifty & six years or thereabouts Saith The yo.r Dep.t going over George Allumbys branch to Timothy Goodridges & meeting y.e s.d Timothy Goodridge & John Richardson together on y.e brow of y.e hill over y.e s.d branch then John Richardson & Timothy Goodridge had a great quarrell in so much y.t s.d Richardson did tell s.d Timothy Goodridge y.t if he fell y.t bounded tree y.e Child unborn would be bound to curse him w.ch tree was y.e first bounded tree of y.e Land called Westmorland & I yo.r Depon.t saw y.e s.d tree afterwards when it was fell y.e s.d Timothy saying in y.e p.rsence of this Dep.t y.t he would fall y.e said tree So far I say & farther not his Edward O Pond Mark The |
Volume 748, Page 372 View pdf image |
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