Volume 748, Page 346 View pdf image |
(346 To incumber y.e p.rmisses since the Pattent afd & y.e s.d Sollers being satisfyed w.th y.e Comp.lts title Did enter into possession of the s.d Land & p.rmisses & became Seized thereof & Sealed the Same & made improvem.t thereon & quietly held y.e same for Divers years w.thout any the lett or Disturbance of y.e p.lt or Lowry or any Claiming by from or under them or either of them But So it happend that one Rich.d Smith of Petuxant Gentl haveing lately purchased of James Bowling & Mary his wife & one Baker Brooks Gentl a pcell of Land called Brookes Partition laid out for 1000 acres more or less being an Elder Survey to Lowrys Chance afd & finding that y.e s.d Jn.o Sollers had Seated built & Cleared w.thin the lines of Brooks Partition He y.e s.d Richard Smith in the Year 1688 Did bring his accon of Ejectm.t in y.e Prov.ll Co.rt ag.t y.e s.d Jn.o Sollers for the Recovery of soe much Land as the s.d Jn.o Sollers had seated upon w.thin y.e bounds of the s.d Brookes Partition & for the ascertaining y.e true meets & bounds of Brookes Partition & Lowrys Chance & oth.r Lands on w.ch y.e s.d Lowrys Chance Did bound upon y.e s.d Court on the Second Day of Octob.r 1688 afd Did ord.r a Resurvey thereof according to y.e Directions of a Jury of twelve men by y.e Sheriff to be impannelled for that purpose to find out the true antient meets & bounds of y.e s.d sev.ral Tracts of Land By w.ch Resurvey it appeared that Brookes Partition laid out formerly for 1000 Acres was then 1023 acres & y.e Land Called Sn.t James at whose bound Tree the s.d Lowrys Chance was said to beginn & formerly laid out for 500 acres but by y.t survey came to 992 Acres of w.ch there happened to be w.thin the bounds of Brookes Partition 679 acres more or less so that in that pcell of Land the owner thereof by meanes of y.e Elder Survey wanted of his originall quantity 127 acres Lowrys Chance w.ch at first was laid out for 300 acres by that Resurvey was found to be 589 acres of w.ch 589 acres there was found to be 174 acres w.thin y.e bounds of Brookes Partition & 415 acres w.thout the bounds thereof so y.t there was 115 acres of Land more then was Menconed in y.e Originall grant or was Conveyed to him by the Comp.lt & the Comp.lt further shewed that aft.r y.e s.d Jn.o Sollers had und.rstood by y.e survey.r & a platt of the Lands that Brookes Particon tooke away 174 acres whereon he had seated built & Cleared as afd & being afraid y.t if y.e s.d Sollers did agree & Compound w.th y.e s.d Smith before the returne of the Resurvey af.d or the Court gave Judgm.t thereupon y.t if y.e s.d Smith got Judgm.t by Compulsery meanes & should obtaine possession for y.e s.d 174 acres that y.e s.d Smith would take y.e same absolutly away from y.e s.d Sollers w.ch would be a great p.rjudice to the s.d Sollers or would exact some extraordinary great sum from Sollers he Consented to let the s.d Smith have Judgm.t by Default & to have a writt of possession w.ch was done accordingly And |
Volume 748, Page 346 View pdf image |
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