Volume 748, Page 347 View pdf image |
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347) And that Done the s.d Smith sold the s.d Sollers the s.d 174 acres for about 50ℓ sterl & the Costs of suite 2400.ℓ tob y.e Juryes Charge excepted w.ch the Jury Consid.ring that Lowry being a poor man must at Last make good the Jury remitted the same as y.e s.d Sollers acquainted the Comp.lt w.th all saying that if the p.lt Did not take care to have by his remedy ag.t Lowry on his bond he must & would sue the Comp.lts Bond to reimburse him the Damages he had sustained by the Ejectm.t of Smiths as afd that the Comp.lt acquainted the said Lowry w.th wha.t the s.d Sollers had sayd & that if the said Lowry did not satisfy the s.d Sollers his Damage afd he would be in Danger to forfeit his bond That Lowry pmised to Indemnify the Comp.lt w.th all saying that if by Law he was obliged to make good the Damages Sollers had sustained by Smiths taking away the 174 acres afd he would sell his Estate to pay the same And to that purpose Lowry went to M.r Thomas Tasker M.rch.t & offered him to sell him all his estate & to secure in his hands so much Money or tobacco as would satisfy Sollers Demands if it should be adjudged reasonable that the said Lowry by his obligatory afd should satisfy & pay the same But Tasker not being disposed to buy the same of Lowry nothing was then Done Whereupon the said Lowry being antient the Comp.lt was advised to put the said Bond of 18000.ℓ tob in suite ag.t y.e s.d Lowry And accordingly he the s.d Comp.lt sued y.e s.d Lowry on y.e s.d Bond in Calvert County Co.rt in Aug.t 1690 To w.ch the said Lowry appeared and being ordered to give speciall Bayle to Def.t Fountaine because his Bayle or Counter Security to them that was the Bayle And the s.d Lowry as well to Indemnifye the s.d Fountaine the Comp.lt had heard as also in Consid.racon that the s.d Fountaine should maintaine the s.d W.m Lowry & his wife (being both antient) Dureing their lives and pay them 10.s p ann & pay such debts as the s.d Lowry did then owe & should pay the s.d Debt of 18000.ℓ of tob to y.e Comp.lt in case Judgm.t should goe ag.t him upon the s.d Bond or that the s.d Lowrey should be adjudged to pay it Hee y.e s.d Lowry did by some Deed of grift or other Deed or writing under his hand & seal give & grant to the s.d Nich.o Fountaine his heirs & assigns forever all his the s.d W.m Lowryes Lands Goods & Chattles stock & psonall estate As by the same Deed if produced might appear By vertue whereof y.e s.d Fountaine possessed himself of all y.e s.d Lowryes estate both Reall & psonall & afterwards the Comp.lt got Judgm.t on y.e said Bond for y.e 18000.ℓ tob afd w.th Costs of Suite whereupon y.e s.d W.m Lowry appeared to y.e prov.ll Co.rt & through the Error of y.e plt.s Attorney in not assigning his Replacaon the breach of y.e Condicon of y.e s.d Bond the Judgm.t of y.e s.d Comp.lt Co.rt was Reversed & y.e Comp.lt was forced to bring a New Accon ag.t the s.d Lowry on the s.d Bond in the prov.ll Co.rt & tooke out a Capias ag.t him but before he was arrested thereupon that is to say in Feb.ry 1692 y.e s.d W.m Lowry Dyed after whose death the s.d Def.t Fountaine by vertue of his Deed of Sale & writeing afd claymed & held the possession of all y.e reall & psonall Estate of y.e Comp.lts Bond of 18000.ℓ of tobacco to make good y.e title of the s.d Land & to save Comp.lt harmless in case y.e s.d Sollars should at any time recover ag.t y.e s.d Comp.lt so far as the s.d 18000.ℓ of tob Bond would reach unto as the s.d W.m Lowry in his time had often promised & cheifly to that intent & to pay other small Debts he owed & for his & his wifes Maintainance for life was y.e Consideracon for giving and granting all his Estate to y.e s.d Fountaine & his heirs whereby the said Fountaine |
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Volume 748, Page 347 View pdf image |
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