Volume 748, Page 211 View pdf image |
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(211) against George Parker gentl def.t Thereby setting forth That the Comp.lt about foure yeares then since viz in the yeare 1676 being indebted to seav.ll psons in the County of Calvert and in other places w.thin this Province and likewise haveing seav.ll psons Indebted to him The Comp.lt applyed himself to the deft being an Attorney att Lawe and putting much Confidence in the deft Reteined him in all Causes and suites att Lawe wherein the Comp.lt should any way bee Concerned and thereupon w.thout takeing any Receipt The Comp.lt Trusted the said deft w.th seav.ll bills bonds and accounts due to the Comp.lt and the Comp.lt desired the said deft to use all speedy Meanes and Lawfull wayes that hee Could to get in the said debts and Tobacco The Comp.lt informeing the deft that the Credito.rs were very Importinent and threatened to Comence seav.ll suited att Lawe ag.t the Comp.lt and the deft did at that time take into his Custody the said bills bonds and Accounts and other writeings & did then faithfully pmise to the Comp.lt to bee his Attorney at Lawe & to appeare for him in all Causes whatsoever wherein the Comp.lt should any way bee Concerned And the said deft p.rtending great friendshipp to the said Comp.lt Told him voluntarily and w.thout asking that hee the said Deft would w.thout asking any Consideracon for the same but meerely to p.rserve the Comp.lts Creditt & Estate disburse and pay all such sumes of Tobacco as the Comp.lt did then Justly owe to any pson or psons Whatsoever Thereby to preserve the Comp.lts Credito.rs from Comenceing theire seav.ll suites against the Comp.lt and that hee would pay himself as hee gott the Comp.lts debts in And the Comp.lt further shewed (that hee to p.rsent Charges at Lawe) had agreed w.th the greatest part of his Credit.rs to pay them Plate Cattle houshold stuffe and other things in Leiu of Tobacco w.ch they then would willingly have Accepted of and thereupon would have discharged the Comp.lt Tobacco being then scarce w.th the Comp.lt although greate Quantities due to him from other persons as aforesaid but the deft pswaded the Comp.lt not to part w.th his said stock houshold stuffe & other things Telling the Complt hee would preserve the same intire by Laying downe and paying for the Comp.lt what Tobacco was Justly due To w.ch the Comp.lt did give Creditt and hoped thereby the deft would p.rvent his Credito.rs from Comenceing theire seaverall suites But the deft did not pay the Comp.lts Creditors before they brought theire Respective Accons against the Comp.lt and obtained Judgm.ts for the same To the Ruine of the Comp.lt For each Accon of w.ch in the County Court The deft chargeth the Comp.lt (Two |
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Volume 748, Page 211 View pdf image |
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