Volume 748, Page 182 View pdf image |
(182 upon Record in our secretaryes office doth and may appeare wee willing that Justice should bee done and that all Decrees & orders of our said Court should bee exactly performed Doe hereby strictly charge and Comand you and either of you that the said pties Comp.lts and Defend.ts you Call before you att such time and place as to you shall seeme meet and the said accompts and other matters betweene the said parties that you Audite state and Examine according to the order of our said Court, and that a Report of of your proceedings herein you send to us under yo.r hands & seales unto our Court of Chancery the tenth day of February next wheresoever it shall then bee And this Precept Witnesses our selfe att our Citty of St Maryes the Eighteenth day of September in the fifth yeare of our Dominion &c Annoq Domini One thousand six hundred seaventy and nine By vertue of a Comission to us Henry Darnall & Henry Jowles directed out of the high Court of Chancery and hereunto annexed to Audite state and examine all and singuler the accompts and other matters betweene Thomas Bland and Damoras his wife Comp.lts and Edward Dorsey and Sarah his wife Defend.ts depending in this high and hono.ble Court, and upon appeareance this day made (to witt the six and twentieth day of January 1679 before us at the house of Thomas Banckes in Petuxent River in Calvert County) of Christopher Rousby Attorney for the Comp.lt Bland and also the said Bland in the prop pson As also Edward Dorsey and Robert Carvile his Attorney Then was Read the Comission to them directed Then did M.r Robert Carvile Attorney for the Deft object ag.t the Comission of Audit as by his Deposicon taken before the R.t hono.ble the Lords Proprietary and Certified under his said Lopps hand Then was Read M.r Thomas Blands deposicon that hee served the Auditors Warrant upon the defts to appeare here this day, upon the third day of this instant month of January to make theire objeccons if any they could to the accompts of the Comp.lts and llikewise to make theire defence in all other matters to them the said Auditors referrees and that upon the thirteenth day of this same Instant month of January hee shewed the aforesaid warr.t under y.e hands & seales of the the aforesaid Auditors to George Parker gent Attorney in the said cawse for the Defend.t Dorsey (Then |
Volume 748, Page 182 View pdf image |
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