Volume 748, Page 177 View pdf image |
(177) pounds of Tobacco in Aprill and October 1676 w.th this Comp.lt paid to the Comp.lt Damoras for the use of the said Comp.lts and Denyes hee Inhannced the first Inventory or put goods therein not belonging to Wyatts Estate, that these Defts and the p.lts Entred into bonds of Arbitracon of three hundred thousand pounds of tobacco to stand to the Award of Collon.ll Burges and Collon.ll Taylor to decide all suites att Lawe variances debates whatsoever in refference to the Reall and personall estate of Wyatt that the Arbit.rs made such theire Award as in the bill, that the Arbitrato.rs thought good to allowe the Def to use more then Eighteeene thousand two hundred & eleaven pounds of tobacco for theire disbursements expended for Wyatt the pticulers whereof are in a schedule to the answere annexed, that the Defts allowe of Eighteene thousand two hundred and Eleaven pounds of tobacco & Eighty nine thousand foure hundred ninety five pounds of tob for goods deleased for a sarvant named Fletcher Eight hundred p.ds of tobacco amounting in all to the sume of One hundred and Eight thousand five hundred and six pounds of tobacco w.ch deducted out of one hundred fifty foure thousand three hundred and two pounds of tob there Remaines forty six thousand five hundred ninety six pounds of tob w.ch ought to bee paid to the said Def.ts Denye the Comp.lts have pformed the said Award but that forty six thousand five hundred ninety six pounds of Tobacco is still due and that the Comp.lt Bland Contrary to the Award hath sued the bond of One hundred thousand pounds of Tobacco Ent.rd into by the Deft Edward Whereas all matters indiference were settled by the last Award that the Defts have performed the said Award and have paid the Complt Damoras for a moyety of the psonall estate & alsoe for her thirds in the Reall estate as by Receipt under her hand & seale dated the nineteenth of January 1679 Yet the said Thomas Detaines the estate soe as aforesayd and sues these defts, that the Comp.lts desired these Defts to come and live with them and they provided for them from June 1677 till January following That the Defts was by Award to pay the moyety of the Estate to the Complt Damoras and that the sayd Damoras refused to lett these Defts pay the same to the Comp.lt Thomas and that therefore this Deft refused to pay the same, that the Comp.lt Damoras and this Deft went to the house of Collon.ll Burges her agent and Trustee who in Anno 1674 by the privity and Consent of the Complt Thomas settled all her Reall and psonall estate upon Collon.ll Burges or by Deed, that the Arbitrato.rs haveing Respect to the said Deede Awarded these Defts to pay the moyety Awarded to the Comp.lt Damoras to bee her sole use and disposall, and that the Deft Collon.ll Burges did agree on her behalfe to sell him this Deft the said Damoras her Right to (the |
Volume 748, Page 177 View pdf image |
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