Volume 748, Page 176 View pdf image |
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(176 and then disposed of much of the said Wyatts goods That the p.lts & Defts the tenth day of Aprill Anno 1677 Entred into bonds of Arbitracon of three hundred thousand pounds of Tobacco to stand to the Arbitracon of Collon.ll Taylor and Coll Burges to Arbitrate and Divide the Estate of Wyatt betweene the p.lts and Def.ts That the Arbitrators made theire Award and ordered that Bland and his wife should in Leiu of his wifes thirds posesse and Enjoy the plantacon whereon his wife Lived that Bland should deliver Dorsey the remainder of the Reall estate that Bland deliver Dorsey all and singuler the goods Cattle Household stuffe servants bills bonds &c in kind that belonged to Wyat at his Death and Inventoryed by Damoras And what could not bee delivered in Kind should bee made good to Dorsey out of that part Awarded to Bland That Dorsey should discount out of the personall Estate all Just debts and disbursements the p.lts ever paid for tryal That the p.lts the tenth day of June 1677 pformed the said Award & expected to have Enjoyed the said plantacon awarded and received the moyety Awarded to the said Comp.lts the tenth day of January following and have had his account allowed according to award, that Dorsey and his wife entred upon the plantacon Awarded to the p.lts and there posessed themselves of the prop psonall Estate of the said Thomas to the vallue of one hundred pounds sterling w.th two servants That the bonds of Arbitracon were left in the hands of the Arbitrato.rs in trust for the p.lts w.ch they refuse to deliver That upon the plantacon called the Quarter delivered to Dorsey was a Cropp of Corne and Tobacco forty hhds of Tobacco and forty barrells of Corne and Eight hundred pounds of Tobacco and a Cropp of Corne upon the plantacon Awarded to the p.lts That Dorsey hath cutt downe all the Timber from of the Plantacon Awarded to the p.lts and detaineth other provissions and wearing apparrell to the vallue of Two thousand pounds of tobacco & the def.ts refused to take the Estate att the rates appraised in the first Inventory, that Dorsey utterly Refused to allowe the plt Bland any thing and that hee denyed to allowe of his accompt expended for Wyatt To w.ch the Def.ts Dorsey and his wife made Answere that Damoras pretended Wyatt made a will in w.ch she was named Ex.rx That she intermarryed and they posessed the the Estate and they intrusted the Deft w.th the mannagement thereof, that the Def.t Edward and the Comp.lt Thomas did submitt all differences to the Award of the Chancello.r who not onely as Arbitrato.rs but as Judge Testament.ry declared the will voyd, and thereupon the said Dorsey had L.rs of Adm.rs granted and Exhibited an Inventory amounting to Eighty thousand pounds of tobacco That the Deft Edward was Attorney to the Comp.lts & mannaged the estate of Wyatt That the Chancello.r settled all Accounts that the Deft Edward was Awarded to pay unto the Comp.lt Thomas Tenn thousand (pounds |
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Volume 748, Page 176 View pdf image |
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