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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 2286   View pdf image
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2286                                               JOINT RESOLUTIONS the study of the feasibility of establishing a technological
education program in Southern Maryland; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Joint Committee consist of 3 members from
the Senate of Maryland, appointed by the President of the Senate;
3 members from the House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker
of the House, 1 member from the State Board of Higher Education, appointed by the Commissioner, 1 representative from the University of Maryland, appointed by the President of the
University of Maryland; 1 representative from St. Mary's College, appointed by the President of St. Mary's College; 1 representative from Charles County Community College, appointed
by the President of the College; and any other members as deemed
appropriate by the Legislative Policy Committee; and be it
further RESOLVED, That the Legislative Policy Committee designate
the chairman of the Joint Committee, and be it further RESOLVED, That staff assistance for the Joint Committee be
provided by the Department of Fiscal Services; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Joint Committee be appointed by June 1,
1983, that an interim report be presented to the Legislative
Policy Committee by October 1, 1984, and that a final report be
presented to the Legislative Policy Committee by November 1,
1985; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the
Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor; the Honorable Melvin A.
Steinberg, President of the Senate of Maryland; the Honorable
Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the House of Delegates; Sheldon
Knorr, Commissioner of Higher Education; Dr. John S. Toll,
President of the University of Maryland; Dr. Richard Weigle,
President of St. Mary's College; Dr. John Sine, President of
Charles County Community College; Admiral Hogan, Patuxent River
Naval Air Station; John Bloom, Charles County Superintendent of
Schools; Dr. Eugene Karol, Calvert County, Superintendent of
Schools, and Dr. Larry Lorton, St. Mary's County Superintendent
of Schools. Signed May 10, 1983. No. 18
(House Joint Resolution No. 2)
A House Joint Resolution concerning Babe Ruth Postage Stamp - City of Issuance

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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 2286   View pdf image
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