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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 2287   View pdf image
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HARRY HUGHES, Governor                                        2287 FOR the purpose of urging the United States Postal Service to
issue the Babe Ruth postage stamp in Baltimore, Maryland
simultaneously with its initial issuance elsewhere. WHEREAS, In July, 1983, in Chicago, in conjunction with the
50th Anniversary celebration of the Major League Baseball
All-Star Game, the Postal Service intends to issue a stamp
commemorating Babe Ruth; and WHEREAS, The Babe, one of the all-time great professional
baseball players, unquestionably is most deserving of this high
honor, having achieved unparalleled accomplishments and fame
during his illustrious 22 year major league career - highlighted
by batting statistics that include 714 career home runs, 15 World
Series home runs, 60 home runs in a season (1927), 2,209 runs
batted-in, and 506 doubles, and further enhanced by pitching
glories exemplified by his 1,330 strikeouts, 2.24 earned-run
average, two 20-win seasons, and .676 winning percentage; and WHEREAS, In addition to his stellar athletic achievements,
the Babe also was a great humanitarian who fully enjoyed life and
humbly gave of his time, energy, and fortune to aid those less
blessed than he; and WHEREAS, The Babe was born, raised, and schooled in
Baltimore, and started his professional baseball career with the
old Baltimore Orioles in the International League in 1914, it is
with a special sense of joy and pride that Marylanders anticipate
the issuance of the Babe Ruth stamp; and WHEREAS, In recognition of the Babe's close ties to
Baltimore - Maryland's "Charm City" - it is especially
appropriate that the Babe Ruth stamp initially be issued there;
and WHEREAS, The Postal Service presently intends to make the
initial issuance of the Babe Ruth stamp in July, 1983, only in
Chicago in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary celebration of
the Major League All-Star Game; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF MARYLAND, That the
United States Postal Service is urged to issue the Babe Ruth
commemorative postage stamp simultaneously in Baltimore and
Chicago; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this House Joint Resolution be
forwarded to the Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland;
the Honorable Melvin A. Steinberg, President of the Senate of
Maryland; the Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the House
of Delegates; and to William F. Bolger, Postmaster General, 475
L'Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260. RESOLVED, That the below listed elected officials
aggressively pursue the purpose of this resolution by exercising
all their powers of persuasion with the postal service; and be it

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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 2287   View pdf image
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