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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 2285   View pdf image
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HARRY HUGHES, Governor                                        2285 WHEREAS, There are numerous employment opportunities
available in the areas of data processing, civil engineering,
electrical engineering, and other high technology fields; and WHEREAS, In the future the demand for properly trained
individuals who are qualified in these high technology fields may
exceed the supply; and WHEREAS, It is recognized that the State of Maryland is
ideally suited for the development of high technology industry as
evidenced by a recent report from the University of Maryland
which indicated that: (1) the Baltimore-Washington corridor has
the highest concentration of scientists and engineers of any
metropolitan area in the country; and (2) due to the existence of
numerous federal laboratories throughout the State, Maryland is
second only to California in federal research and developmental
expenditures; and WHEREAS, The 1983 Maryland General Assembly will address a
proposal to establish a University of Maryland Engineering
Research Center as a formal link between the College of
Engineering and high technology firms in the State; and WHEREAS, Southern Maryland, which consists of Calvert,
Charles, and St. Mary's counties, currently lacks any academic
program of high technology studies to help satisfy the growing
demand in Southern Maryland for such courses and to help Maryland
develop into a technologically oriented State; and WHEREAS, Southern Maryland has the facilities to accommodate
the development of a technological education program as evidenced
by the location of Patuxent River Naval Air Station, St. Mary's
College, Charles County Community College, and numerous secondary
schools; and WHEREAS, The University of Maryland has a strong curriculum
in the technological fields, a large faculty and is nationally
ranked in the high technology-oriented fields and, as a result,
could provide unparalleled guidance and assistance in
coordinating the development of a technological education program
in Southern Maryland in cooperation with the Patuxent River Naval
Air Station, St. Mary's College, Charles County Community
College, and other secondary schools; and WHEREAS, It is recognized that assistance would be needed
from Maryland's Congressional Delegation to work with the U. S.
Department of the Navy in authorizing the use of the Patuxent
River Naval Air Station facilities, which are some of the most
technologically advanced facilities in the country, for such
purposes if deemed appropriate; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF MARYLAND, That the
Legislative Policy Committee is requested to appoint a Joint
Committee to study refer to the appropriate legislative Committee

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Session Laws, 1983
Volume 745, Page 2285   View pdf image
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