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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3901   View pdf image
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public benefit and purpose of such revenue bonds; providing
that such revenue bonds and the interest thereon shall be
limited obligations of Kent County, repayable by Kent County
solely from the revenue derived from loan repayments (both
principal and interest) made to Kent County on account of
such loan and from any other moneys made available to Kent
county for such purpose, and that neither such revenue bonds
nor the interest thereon shall ever constitute an
indebtedness or a charge against the general credit or
taxing powers of Kent County within the meaning of any
constitutional provision or statutory limitation and that
neither shall ever constitute or give rise to any pecuniary
liability of Kent County; authorizing and empowering the
Board of County Commissioners of Kent County, prior to the
issuance, sale and delivery of such revenue bonds, to adopt
a resolution pursuant to which the Board of County
Commissioners shall (1) determine, provide for and approve
matters pertaining to such revenue bonds as are required by
Section 15(4) of Article 25B of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1973 Replacement Volume and 1978 Cumulative
Supplement), as amended, (2) prescribe the rate or rates of
interest such revenue bonds are to bear, and the form,
tenor, terms and conditions of and security for such revenue
bonds, (3) determine, provide for and approve various other
matters, details, documents and procedures in connection
with the authorization, issuance, security, sale and payment
for such revenue bonds, and (4) provide for the issuance and
sale (subject to the enactment by the Board of County
Commissioners of such legislation, if any, as may be
required at the time) of one or more series of additional
bonds and one or more series of refunding bonds; exempting
such revenue bonds from the provisions of Sections 9 to 11,
inclusive, of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1976 Replacement Volume and 1978 Cumulative Supplement), as
amended; and generally providing and determining various
matters and details in connection with the authorization,
issuance, security, sale and payment of such revenue bonds.

Effective Date December 21, 1979.

Bill No. 10-79

AN ACT to legalize the 1979 Edition of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Kent County, published under the
direction of the Board of County Commissioners of Kent
County and edited by W. Porter Ellington, and making
provisions for the publication, sale, and distribution of
this Code.

Effective Date December 21, 1979.

Bill No. 77-9


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Session Laws, 1980
Volume 739, Page 3901   View pdf image
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