AN ACT concerning
FOR the purpose of establishing a system for the
regulation of plumbing in Worcester County, Maryland, and
providing for standards for the construction, maintenance,
and repair of pipes and all manner of fixtures and devices
for plumbing, water and sewer facilities, in and about all
buildings and structures located within the County, permits
thereof, fees and penalties for violation thereof by adding
to the Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester County,
Maryland, by the creation of Sections 2-101 through 2-1075,
of Subtitle 1: Plumbing, of Title 2, Construction
Regulations of the Building Regulations Article of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland.
Approved August 21, 1979.
Bill No. 78-6
AN ACT concerning
Property Tax Levy and Collection
FOR the purpose of establishing a procedure for
property tax levy, establishment of the tax year, date of
finality, preparation and processing of tax bills,
establishment of a tax due date, provisions for collection
of taxes, tax sales, priority of tax payments and authority
for the exemption of certain items from taxation by
repealing and re-enacting, with amendments, Sections 290,
291, 295, 297, 298, 299, 300, 305, and 311 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Worcester County, Maryland.
Approved January 16, 1979.
Bill No. 78-7
AN ACT concerning
Amusement Devices and Arcade License Fees
FOR the purpose of codifying a resolution of the County
Commissioners dealing with amusement devices and arcade
license fees adopted June 2, 1959 pursuant to Article 56,
Section 20A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1957 Edition,
prescribing license fees for certain amusement devices and
arcades and declaring certain types of machines to be
illegal in Worcester County.
Approved January 16, 1979.