effects report in connection with subdivision
applications in said areas; and to direct the County
Health officer to establish such criteria,
standards, and guidelines for geological studies and
environmental effects reports as will serve the
interest of the public health, safety and welfare by
repealing and re—enacting, with amendments, Section
16.4.5 of the Baltimore County Plumbing and Gas
Fitting Code, as amended by Section 23-16-1 of the
Baltimore County Code, 1968 (1974 Cumulative
Supplement) title "Plumbing and Gas Fitting" and by
repealing Sections 34—1 and 34-8 of the Baltimore
County Code, 1968, title "Water, Sewers, Sewage
Disposal, and Drains", and enacting in lieu thereof
new Section 34-1, under Article I. In General, of
said title.
Approved April 12, 1976.
Bill No. 37-76
AN ACT to provide that lease agreements for dwelling
units in multifamily rental facilities which are
located within a one hundred year flood plain shall
contain an acknowledgment by the tenant of the
danger of flooding, the availability of U.S.
Government subsidized insurance and that the tenant
assumes the risk of loss due to flooding, ground for
cancellation of lease, and that tenants in such
facilities be notified thereof.
WHEREAS, there may be eminent danger of flooding in
certain areas of the county in the event of heavy
rainfall which has been evidenced in recent years
resulting in several high flood—levels causing serious
property losses to tenants in multi—family rental
facilities who were unaware of such potential danger and
the availability of U.S. Government subsidized flood
insurance to the tenant; now, therefore
Approved June 10, 1976.
Bill No. 40-76
AN ACT, to increase the rate of recordation tax
applicable to instruments recorded with the clerk of
the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, by repealing
and re-enacting with amendments Section 11—93 of the
Baltimore County Code, 1968, (1974 Cumulative
Supplement) Title "Finance and Taxation", Article
XI. Recordation Tax.