WHEREAS, Chapter No. 142, Acts of the 1976 General
Assembly; amended Section 277(g) of Article 81 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1975 Replacement Volume)
confirming and ratifying the authority of the counties to
fix the rate of recordation tax applicable to instruments
recorded in each of the respective counties; and
WHEREAS, under section 11—15 of the Baltimore County
Code, 1968, the county is authorized to have and
exercise, within the limits of the county, in addition to
any and all taxing power heretofore granted by the
General Assembly, the power to tax to the same extent as
the state has or could exercise said power, within the
limits of the county, as a part of its general taxing
power; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to section 11—15(c) of the
Baltimore County Code, 1968, notice of said tax was
advertised for three consecutive weeks in two newspapers
published in the county and having a general circulation
in the county, and after such advertising, a public
hearing was held concerning the levy and imposition of
said tax.
Approved June 7, 1976.
Bill No. 56-76
AN ACT to impose a charge of ten ($10.00) dollars per
check on any person or other legal entity who
presents a worthless check or similar written
instrument to Baltimore County, Maryland or to the
Director of Finance of Baltimore County, or to any
of their agents or employees in payment of any tax,
charge, fee, assessment or impost of any kind levied
or imposed under any law, ordinance, rule or
regulation; to provide for the collection of such
charge and enforcement of this act, by adding new
Section 11—25.1 to the Baltimore County Code, 1968,
title "Finance and Taxation", Article II. Director
of Finance, under new Division 4. Worthless
Approved July 9, 1976.
Bill No. 58-76
AN ACT to propose that the method of appointing the Chief
of Police and the Fire Chief of Baltimore County be
revised so as to provide that appointment be made by
the County Executive subject to confirmation by the
County Council, to provide for their term of office,